Additional Cheats

Not sure if you noticed but the respect cheat from SR3 still works, this is the code I used. Messy but it works -

<Action>Instant Respect (+100000)</Action>
Not sure if you noticed but the respect cheat from SR3 still works, this is the code I used. Messy but it works -

<Action>Instant Respect (+100000)</Action>
I was wondering about this myself
Ok so I've noticed that the Warden Hadouken does absolutely nothing to anything I fire it at. Just shoots a red ball that goes right through everything and the Iron saint while it does damage, it doesn't have the explosion effect it has in the mission. Are these common bugs or is it just me
All mods on this site are for the PC version. User warned.
Gta modder here. I just made an account to find out how I would go about using these Mod cheats? I've already completed my game 100% and I just want a bunch of shiz to mess around with till GTA V releases. I'm on xbox. Will I need to burn a disc?
Thanks in advance.
Regarding the megabuster, perhaps the effects aren't preloaded?
Regarding the megabuster, perhaps the effects aren't preloaded?
I don't know but i've tested it with and without mods and same results. Warden hadouken goes right through people and objects, iron saint blasts don't explode on contact.
If no one else has these problems then i'll reinstall and try again but I'd like to know.