Additional Cheats

Something's strange here... I added some of the cheats from the list into my phone, and then I activated some of them that gave me vehicles.. Then I went to a gateway to check out the vehicles in my garage, and I found that most (but not all) of my vehicles now had some kind of 'chrome' effect applied to their paint. Not only the ones I just spawned with cheats, but many of the cars I had originally as well.

I took some screens, then went back to my clean save (before I added any cheats to my phone) to take some screens of what my cars looked like before... But my cars still looked all chrome-y!
Both of those cars are supposed to be gloss black with red secondary. Right now they look like they fell in the vat at the glazed donut factory.
I haven't recolored this truck, it should be the same matte gray as when I jacked it off the street.
And recoloring the vehicle at Rim Jobs doesn't help. Deleting the cheat table from my save directory and loading up that clean save again doesnt help.
Same car, same color, one screen is gloss finish and the other is matte finish. There should not be that huge of a difference? Right? Am I going crazy? This doesn't seem possible. @_@
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Are you sure you haven't changed anything else in the meantime besides installing and then removing this one mod?
I had the v5 table in my directory (but I never actually added any cheats to my phone with it) and then I replaced it with the "cleaning" table linked in the OP, and saved. Then I replaced that table with v6.

I didn't change any other mods.

Edit: I have since removed the cheat table file, and now have no cheat table file in my sr4 directory. The save I made with v6 installed still has the crazy chrome effects. It's been several hours now, and I'm starting to wonder whether what I thought was my 'clean' save was made with v6 installed too.

Anyway, I loaded a save I made last night before I had done any of that, and my cars look normal:
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I'm not 100% familiar with how SR4 handles the garage, so this question might not make sense, but it would in SR3: Are you accessing the car list from the same location in the world? Is it the same time of day? Local lighting effects might make a difference. Other than weather/time changes, i can't imagine why this would affect anything like this.
Well, this is bizarre. I deleted those saves, thinking they had corrupted color information or something, and re-played the ending of the game, with no cheat table file in my directory.
After I finished the finale, I came back into the simulation and looked in my garage (at that same gateway), and my cars looked just as chrome-glossy as before.

I load up a save before I start the finale, and my cars look normal.

I'm starting to get frustrated; this is making me feel like an idiot. I don't remember my cars ever looking this glossy (except the chrome vehicles), but I honestly haven't paid much attention to the weather as I've played through the game up to this point. Does the game go through day/night cycles before the finale or is it always eternal night, and therefore my cars only look weird now because up until this point they've had the same (dark) lighting conditions?

Edit: Yup, that seems to be it exactly. I assumed the game would always use the same lighting conditions when editing a car in the garage. But I changed the 'simulation override' to 'default' and my cars now look normal again.

But that means under normal daytime lighting conditions, gloss paint is REALLY GLOSSY.
But maybe that's why they did it that way, figuring that the only time you'd bother to use cars is in the beginning of the game when everything's eternal night, so that's when you'd want the gloss paint to look correct.

Well, I guess that solves that. Feel free to delete some or all of these posts, then.
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Hey IdolNinja, will that decal fix for the SR2 gang vehicles be included in this mod or standalone?

I plan on including it in the customize all vehicles mod.