Additional Cheats

can you remove the mech suit timer?
That has nothing to do with the cheats.xtbl which Idol is using.
It's inside the tweaks_table.xtbl on Line 5816 to 5823
<Category>Entries:Vehicles:Mech Suit</Category>
<Description>time in ms that the mech suit lasts when called as a homie</Description>
That has nothing to do with the cheats.xtbl which Idol is using.
It's inside the tweaks_table.xtbl on Line 5816 to 5823
Nope. It's wrong lines.

        <Category>Entries:Vehicles:Mech Suit</Category>
      <Description>time in ms that the mech suit lasts when called as a homie</Description>
That's correct. I set timer to 6000000 ms =)
Idol? Whats the ''Crib Ship'' called ingame? I can't find it in my Garage/Helicopters.

EDIT: I also found out that the 'Turret WhiteHouse' .aka. Torch has the Hydraulic Options in Modification.
THANK YOU IDOLNINJA for the update and the ability now to put a proper BULLDOG with Turret in the game .

I just tried it out, customized the Bulldog in a garage.
Worked great. Put a big smile on my face. Maybe one of these days SR4 will make me smile as much
as SR3 did, it is getting there thanks to mods like this. Not there all the way but getting there!

Since I was so slap happy about this I took the time to 'port' over my SR3 mod to allow 3 homies in the Bulldog to ride along with
the playa.
Normally only 2 homies can ride along.

It works well enough so I uploaded it in the SR4 mods section.

A question on the Challenger tank. Is it a known glitch that that tank can not be aimed with the turret (mouse control?) Last I tried
the turret for that tank was not working, the one added via the cheat.
I was reading in the patch suggestions and bug reports subforum about tank problems like that one.
So if I've made a save with V5 and I want to upgrade to V6, I have to put in the 'clear cheats list' xtbl, load up the game, save, quit, then install V6?
So if I've made a save with V5 and I want to upgrade to V6, I have to put in the 'clear cheats list' xtbl, load up the game, save, quit, then install V6?

I had to scratch my head to figure out what you were writing about. Found the clear cheats list' xtbl mentioned in this thread
in a prior post on page 43. First I had heard of it.

I'll just say this. I did not need that. I had v5 of IdolNinja's cheat installed and BEFORE I installed V6 I used a few of the to be deleted
V5 vehicle cheats in my game so as to have those vehicles just in case. I then saved and exited the game, installed v6 and
I still have those vehicles in my garage and no longer see the deleted v5 cheats listed in the game cheat menu.

So, no fuss. Just install V6 and keep a copy of V5 around just in case you have the hots for one of the deleted vehicle cheats.
So if I've made a save with V5 and I want to upgrade to V6, I have to put in the 'clear cheats list' xtbl, load up the game, save, quit, then install V6?

It's not necessary. The removed cheats simply won't work if you already added some of them.