I just ran into this video, which I think is interesting to consider.
I feel that games recently have pushed predictability and letting the player cheat too far (Far Cry and Batman AI gets very repetitive and unchallenging, and most shooters are struggling to compare their AI to a much older game), letting the player overcome too much without providing interesting dynamics, adaptability and interactions.
The other points, AI interacting with the games systems, having their own goals, and for this type of game, tactical aggressive enemies (which again, almost all shooters have been palling in), are points that I think would be very important to build on, and create more nuanced behaviors within. Some predictability and player ability freedom is probably necessary, but too many games let players cheat behaviors far too much. The first three game examples he gave are probably good inspiration.
I do hope the enemies quickly dodge attacks (because spending too long in a twirl to one side can be a drawback, since the player can reaim before they start damaging you, so hopefully they can dodge and strike quickly), use abilities quicker (I'm worried about how slow the grenade and sniper abilities are, on PC at least, that seems too easily counter-able) and have good capabilities of parkouring and keeping up with the player if they flee (a big problem with previous Volition games).
It's obviously far too late in development for any huge changes (but I really like most of what I've seen), so I will just hope that it's good when I get my hands on it. And that this is generally considered by developers in the future.
I also still think all of these behaviors should be considered and built upon for friendly AI (which often suffer in most games). Intelligent friendly and civilian AI can really make the world interesting.
In all the recent footage, the only overt problems I have noticed is in pedestrian animations and path-finding, they sometimes don't look fluid, jitter or glitch about, clip into things, and generally don't seem to animate as smoothly as the enemy and player character. I am also still worried about NPC open world density.
I hope those issues are fixed, and that there is a good diversity of action nodes (pedestrian open world behaviours and interactions) that occur, so that the city doesn't feel lifeless.
I feel like I type way too much for something that people might not even read :/ but if so, hopefully this is good feedback.
The game overall seems quite polished, I didn't notice many glitches other than in pedestrians (and sometimes they popped in the draw distance weirdly).