Oh absolutely, all of those are great ideas! Tammy Tolliver comes to my mind first, since I know she exists in Asha's loyalty mission. Perhaps a superpowered Professor Genki would make a good addition as well.Who knows? Maybe I'll learn how to edit asm files eventually and model some of these characters but that has a very low chance of happening.
Just know that if you want to request a mod, maybe I'll figure something out, this mod isn't too far from being released so if you want some more homies then you can let me know who to add, I was thinking about adding the SWAT team back and maybe even the Zombie Horde, I'd also enjoy adding Zinyak, Zynjai, maybe I'll even create more customization options to customize the saints around the city. I'll probably make a warden homie and maybe even skinballs and distant human homies.
Other things that come to my mind are Prologue Cyrus, Jane Austen (assuming she isn't cutscene-only), Masako Agents, Tank Delivery for easier Challenger acquisition, the two Default Playas, and a Bus-Full-O-Saints. If the ability to import models ever comes, the ideas of SR3 characters and new models of prominent SR1&2 characters are still there. If that ever does come, this will easily go from "probably already a staple of SR4 mods" to "absolute must-have SR4 mod"
I'm getting excited for this mod's future!
EDIT: Aisha, Jane, and Sunshine are 100% fixed and now properly cull out when their models are far away. They can be freely recalled now.
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