Saints Row: The Third Busted

Most likely it was a feature that the Design team decided didn't add "fun" to the player experience. It is unlikely that there is any reasonable way to re-enable this feature.
I suppose it makes sense from what's all happened, story wise. The police are probably pissed from all the stunts that the Saints have pulled and are no longer trying to arrest them, but rather just kill em.
Most likely it was a feature that the Design team decided didn't add "fun" to the player experience. It is unlikely that there is any reasonable way to re-enable this feature.

Didn't add fun?

Getting stunned by a flash bang, then getting peppersprayed in the face, tasered on the ground and beaten up by four cops with nightsticks to eventually get arrrested for streaking like in Saints Row 2 is a lot more fun then just getting shot at for bumping into a cop XD
One of the many things that were dumbed down for SR3, like getting rid of varied police models (fat cops, female cops, etc) in favour of one model with a few different faces.
One of the many things that were dumbed down for SR3, like getting rid of varied police models (fat cops, female cops, etc) in favour of one model with a few different faces.

Indeed. We had fat, skinny, male, female... We even had prison cops, city cops, ultor cops, security cops, boat cops,... Now we have 3 different cop faces and one with a helmet.

EDIT: Well, now I'm thinking about it. The increased amount of police vehicles and riot shields and SWAT snipers does make up for that imo.

We now also have unmarked police cars, the SWAT eagle and National Guard vehicles and existing police vehicles have been updated (improved SWAT Tornado and SWAT van can now carry riot shields).

So yeah, more cop models would have been great, but I aint complaining.
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I really like Volition's SUPER FUNTIME ALL THE TIME idea of SRTT. Getting arrested, opening car doors to get in them......"Nobody got time for dat!" I got places to go, people to see!
Destructible environments Red Faction style please!