Clip Editor

Ok i tried, and it does indeed work on DX9
in pause_menu_top.lua on line 166-173 just remove the check for game_record_mode_is_supported
  if game_record_mode_is_supported() then
  Data[#Data+1] = Casual_record_button
  if game_machinima_is_recording() == true then
    Data[#Data+1] = Playback_button;
    Data[#Data+1] = Record_button;
  Data[#Data+1] = Casual_record_button
if game_machinima_is_recording() == true then
Data[#Data+1] = Playback_button;
Data[#Data+1] = Record_button;
Now the Editor becomes available in main menu and fully working under DX9.
So im pretty sure only the export functions (or maybe nothing at all even) rely on DX10/11
Right im off looking for the ingame recording check.
[Edit#1] it breaks the ingame pause menu
[Edit#2]Updating the ASM will fix the issue of the 1st Edit :)

Ah, I'm such a noob, I've been trying to open the file with Gibbed.SaintsRow3.UnpackSTR2.exe, but it just doesn't work for me, because I'm retarded. Could you do all of us using XP a big favor and just upload separate clip editor files with this modification already done for DX9? I would really appreciate that and I would also make plenty of videos and upload them, so we can all enjoy STR3 in slow mo and what not.
you have to update the ASM, but it still be useless in XP as only the editor gets enabled, you still have to record in DX11
If someone figures out how to enable the ingame menu as well that would be awesome
I never got it to work.Everytime I go to the Editor mode and hit "Play" button,my character dont move like did when I was recording,and things around start to duplicate,like cars and peds...Suddenly a car pop out from inside another car.Same happen with npcs...
I just cant figure out what is the problem...
Yes I am having the same problem as "SrJardel," except when I hit the play button not only does the main character not move and cars and peds start to multiply but after a few seconds of play back my map on my phone will pop up and display the "take over territory" set up and will no longer allow me to work with the clip editor. Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to remedy this. This editor is an outstanding feature even if I could get the basic play back and cam working I would be ecstatic. Thanks for your time and effort guys.
Whenever the game is officially patched it tends to break scripting mods like this since the asm files also need to be updated. The latest build of the Gentlemen of Steelport compilation builds those asm files dynamically, so you may want to give it a try if you haven't already:

With GoS, you can select/deselect individual mods to build, and simply just install the clip editor if that's the only thing you want.

Also, be aware that scripting mods like the clip editor will only work correctly with the Steam release of SRTT. If you are not using the Steam version, then there's really nothing we can do for you.
Thanks man that really help set things straight. Let it be known if anyone is using the cracked version the clip editor will not function properly. This will cause a lot of the problems I and SrJardel were experiencing. I used a legit copy and had no problems other than what was already stated with clip editor. Once I become proficient with the program I will try to create and release a tutorial on gui, functions, and how to best work w/ the limited editor for those who are having problems.
there is a new vesion? to fix some pirate game skidrow

Let me see if I've got this straight... You're asking us if there is a version of the Clip Editor that will work with pirated versions of the game since that's the version you have?