Yo, in That Which Does Not Kill You..., there is an ambulance in the entrance of the hospital, as in it clips through the entrance. It is in both the PC and console versions.


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Yo, in That Which Does Not Kill You..., there is an ambulance in the entrance of the hospital, as in it clips through the entrance. It is in both the PC and console versions.
Woah. I can't believe I've never noticed this! I'll get on to fixing that as soon as. It's doesn't look like it was put there by mistake either.
There are stairs leading to the Hospital entrance (which doesn't seem too practical for a Hospital). Perhaps it was moved there to explain that away.
Or perhaps it was purely for aesthetic reasons.
Or perhaps it was tired Devs.
Thank you for pointing this out!

If anyone else finds issues which Cutscene Patch hasn't fixed, please do let us know so we can include new fixes in a v1.1 build!
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Woah. I can't believe I've never noticed this! I'll get on to fixing that as soon as. It's doesn't look like it was put there by mistake either.
There are stairs leading to the Hospital entrance (which doesn't seem too practical for a Hospital). Perhaps it was moved there to explain that away.
Or perhaps it was purely for aesthetic reasons.
Or perhaps it was tired Devs.
Thank you for pointing this out!

If anyone else finds issues which Cutscene Patch hasn't fixed, please do let us know so we can include new fixes in a v1.1 build!
Hahaha, don't trip, I've been playing Saints Row for years and only noticed it again recently. It doesn't make sense to be there since you drive Gat to the hospital, maybe instead of the car, you used an ambulance to get to the hospital, it could've been changed later in development, or someone just forgot to delete leftover assets. No problem though, you've done a great job with this mod, keep it up!
It doesn't make sense to be there since you drive Gat to the hospital
Oh yeah, of course! I forgot about that. Upon closer inspection the Ambulance was hovering slightly.

Well, here is a fix; I've moved the Ambulance to the bottom of the steps, where one would normally spawn in gameplay:
I'll make an additional version which includes the car from the mission for the v1.1 release.
v1.1 will include this, the forced Repair Outfit fix, and anything else that is brought to attention this week.

File no longer attached to this post, but it is included in Version1.1.
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Oh yeah, of course! I forgot about that. Upon closer inspection the Ambulance was hovering slightly.

Well, here is a fix; I've moved the Ambulance to the bottom of the steps, where one would normally spawn in gameplay:
View attachment 38264
I'll make an additional version which includes the car from the mission for the v1.1 release.
v1.1 will include this, the forced Repair Outfit fix, and anything else that is brought to attention this week.
This look way better, guess when Volition rushed on making sr2 wasnt a joke at all. They've left a lot of stuff on this game..
Cutscene Patch Version 1.1 is now available!
*RO04-02: (v1.1)
Mission: Bleeding Out
Cutscene: That Which Does Not Kill You...
Fixes: -A developer misplaced Ambulance has been removed.
-The Hammerhead used in the mission is now parked outside the Hospital, where it arrives at the end of the mission.
-The Saints Soldier who drives you in the mission can be seen standing by the car looking concerned for Gat.​
Alt. 1: -The misplaced Ambulance has been repositioned outside the Hospital.
Alt. 2: -All Vehicles have been removed.

Mission: Assault on Precinct 31
Cutscene: Silver
Fix: -The Playa will now wear the Repair Outfit when replaying the Cutscene from a Crib TV. (v1.1)

Other Changes:
-Discrepancies in the Changelog have been addressed.
-The Uninstaller has been updated to uninstall files added in v1.1.​
Cutscene Patch Version 1.2 is now available!
This is a SUBSTANTIAL update which features "Custom Height Fixes" and "No Letterbox Edition"!

Cutscene Patch v1.2:
-Pierce's Desert Eagle is now Optional.
-A fix to Matt's Guitar model in BR06-02: "and the Band Played On" has been ported from Viva Volition - Tribute Texture Pack.
-Drug_Dealing_Hotels has received Camera tweaks.​

Custom Height Fixes:
These optional files fix issues which occur when using a Custom Height for your character! Issues such as Props not sitting in the Playa's hand properly, and Camera angles not framing the Actors properly.
Custom Height Fixes are included in both "Cutscene Patch v1.2" and "Cutscene Patch - No Letterbox Edition v1.0".​

No Letterbox Edition:
"Cutscene Patch - No Letterbox Edition" is a separate download version of Cutscene Patch which includes all cutscene fixes provided by the regular version of Cutscene Patch v1.2 - in addition to every cutscene in SR2 which is otherwise untouched by Cutscene Patch. Every Cutscene included in this download has received a fix to remove it's Letterbox!

Exclusive to the No Letterbox Edition are versions of the cutscenes from Female Prison Overhaul, which have had their Letterbox removed. (These can be found in the "3. Optional" folder.)​

There are far too many fixes to repeat in this post, so please see the main post for changes marked with "(v1.2)".