Daedalus, Thermopoly and Stag in endgame

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If you want to edit the mission, you need to get stream_grid.asm_pc updated, and that's a challenge because the UpdateASM tool doesn't like some of the data types. At the moment, the only reasonable way to update the mission lua is to make sure the original AND packed file sizes are exactly the same as the originals. We've been fumbling about with this here.
Okay, my results so far are as follows.
No matter what save I use and where I place the code, STAG Units will not spawn at the Daedalus. No vehicles, no NPCs.. nothing.
Engine areas are not deadly, no change there.
Thermopylae: No vehicle spawns (except the Vtols that attack you at 5 star wanted level), NPCs do infact spawn, but only once the player sets foot on the carrier, and then they spawn in mid air and drop down.

I have read through mission luas, pasted about 2 pages of code around, but no luck. I seem to be stuck at that point.

Different thought, I tried preventing the mission M23, which is the Daedalus mission, to delete the groups and disable the Daedalus, but somehow it didnt work. I wounder if it is possible, to not edit the sr3_city.lua, but the missions directly do make the changes. Someone up for that? Ill keep trying nontheless, but as I said, I seem to be at a dead end.
The soldiers spawned like that for me even before it was destroyed.
This area in particular seems interesting. It's lines 973-1000
-- Make sure any triggers have been disabled
    for i, trigger in pairs(M23_triggers) do
        on_trigger("", trigger)
        on_trigger_exit("", trigger)
        trigger_enable(trigger, false)
    -- Cleanup kill regions
    for i, region in pairs(M23_kill_regions) do
        trigger_enable(region, false)
        on_trigger("", region)
    -- Make sure all groups have been destroyed
    for i, group in pairs(M23_groups) do
        if (group_is_loaded(group.name) == true) then
    -- Make sure all threads are inactive
    for i, thread in pairs(M23_threads) do
        if (thread ~= -1 and thread_check_done(thread) == false) then
Also, did you put
You won't have a very fun time of it because the asm_pc file needs manual updating, though i finally figured out all the numbers that need to be changed. Gibbed's tools are open source, but i don't know if i'd have any luck trying to mess with them. Then again, the code for UpdateASM looks pretty simple.
I let gibbed know about the fixes so he can update the tools.

One thing I wanted to mention is to make sure those functions that you've lifted from the missions and that you're calling from the city load aren't also defined somewhere in the mission lua itself. If so, you would probably need to copy those referenced functions over to your city load lua as well.

In sr2, groups like the vtol would have been defined in an accompanying cts file that had coordinates and other info like behavior overrides. For example, something like m23.lua would have an accompanying m23.cts file.
(I only played missions in coop and) for some reason the 'only do after endgame' stuff does not seem to affect my savegame. Is this meant to only work for earlier saves, once the final mission is completed?
I updated the file. If you play through the bad ending first and then use the good ending the changes should apply. The Warning was for the first version of the mod.

Strange, that the changes had no effect on your save in Co-op. Where you hosting or your co-op partner? When I played with my buddy online, he saw my changes, even though he did not have the mod.

@Svered: Yepp, I used these lines aswell, no changes whatsoever. Its like the game will not accept changes in that matter and does that on purpose.
Its like the game will not accept changes in that matter and does that on purpose.

Maybe it's overwriting those changes with some other function that is running after the main function?
I made sure that it does not. I even double checked, that the changes are the last ones loaded. So far all of them worked, except the ones responsible for the spawning. The more I think about it, the more it seems that a mission needs to be edited for that or even a new mission needs to be created.
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