DLC that YOU want to see

Typical, console gamers always use modding as an argument but have no idea what they are talking about.

First of all, the ability to modify games (the ability to modify anything in general actually) isn't a feature of any game, PC or otherwise. Crediting the developer for the fact that you can mod or repair your game is like crediting a painter cause you can finish an unfinished painting that he sold to you.

That's what they call coloring books these days, true they are mostly aimed towards little children, but I do remember having good fun with 'coloring' it as I saw fit.
You could argue the 'modding' aspect is like the coloring book, you can simply flick through the coloring books as is, color it realistically, or as I did; grab a crayon (preferabbly black) and go to town on those pages.

But I'll agree with you that modding is not a feature of a game. But I disagree that you shouldn't credit a developer for allowing/encouraging it with specialised tools that are not sold, but simply given to the consumer.

And second, there is no "fix" for the PC port of Saints Row 2. Being poorly optimized isn't a bug or a glitch that can be fixed with a mod or a patch.

Obviously you didn't play Skyrim, and if you do, I would point you to the Skyrim nexus, poor optimisation is a very fixable aspect through modding.
Some of these 'unofficial' patches have more fixes and optimisations to 'm than the official patches.

This does leave one to question the skills of the developer at times, but... that wasn't the issue here.
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The blue one, which explodes after 2 minutes?

Yeah that one. the timer on it is for story purposes only, the amoutn of damage it can soak up, plus it insta killing everything. It's fun and insane and both.

Also Idolninja I did not know that. I'll have to check that out. I hope Volition adds in the option ot obtain it normally though, for people who do not know of/prefer not to use mods, and for console players. As for me? I think I'll install it once the game's fixed. Thank you.
That's what they call coloring books these days, true they are mostly aimed towards little children, but I do remember having good fun with 'coloring' it as I saw fit.
You could argue the 'modding' aspect is like the coloring book, you can simply flick through the coloring books as is, color it realistically, or as I did; grab a crayon (preferabbly black) and go to town on those pages.

I would argue that it's not. "Modding" is short for modifying. Modifying has the same meaning for everything it's associated with, so look it up.

Obviously you didn't play Skyrim, and if you do, I would point you to the Skyrim nexus, poor optimisation is a very fixable aspect through modding.
Some of these 'unofficial' patches have more fixes and optimisations to 'm than the official patches.

Then maybe you should check my Steam profile before you say stuff like that, more specifically on the right under the "Games" tab.

Mods and patches fix SOME things but they don't turn a shitty port into a coding masterpiece, they rarely even make it a decent port. Skyrim is no exception, no amount of mods that I've tried (and I've tried many) were able to make that piece of s*** worth it's price. It's not even worth playing anymore seeing as it broke quests in three save games I've created.
I would argue that it's not. "Modding" is short for modifying. Modifying has the same meaning for everything it's associated with, so look it up.

Then maybe you should check my Steam profile before you say stuff like that, more specifically on the right under the "Games" tab.

Mods and patches fix SOME things but they don't turn a shitty port into a coding masterpiece, they rarely even make it a decent port. Skyrim is no exception, no amount of mods that I've tried (and I've tried many) were able to make that piece of s*** worth it's price. It's not even worth playing anymore seeing as it corrupted quests in three save games I've created.

You just seem to not like mods in general.
Euro, I would def look into skyrim mods again. The trick is to turn off autosave, and make new manual saves lol I got about 40-50 mods and a complete game! Trick it into not corrupting! lol

EDIT: Skyrim is my fav game ever, while from factory it is the buggiest game EVER mods do correct its issues, which are mainly all scripting issues. I only responded cuz I like skyrim, I didnt read any of this topic except the ones that mentioned skyrim so dont hit me lol
Euro, I would def look into skyrim mods again. The trick is to turn off autosave, and make new manual saves lol I got about 40-50 mods and a complete game! Trick it into not corrupting! lol

Then you look, cause I'm done. Never buying another Bethesda game again. It's supposed to work properly from the start not have me play without autosave or spend 6 hours on that God-awful Nexus Network looking for mods that might fix what Bethesda should have fixed from the beginning.

Disabling autosave and installing a million fan-made fixes doesn't make Skyrim a well optimized game, it fixes a handful of issues (maybe) but that's it. Not to mention Skyrim mods take up a lot of space, so you're basically trading one problem for another.
-SR2 runs like crap on most PC's, and I doubt there's a PC that can run it perfectly.

Okay fuck it, I don't want ANY wishes for this game, I want wishes in real life.

I wish for a time machine, DeLorean or not, and then I will use it, kill all the bastards who made SR2 for PC AND replace them with someone better, maybe IdolNinja and Minimaul unless they're not good with PC ports either, so anyone good with PC ports.

CD Projekt, I hate you for breaking SR2 for PC! Stop making other games! SR2 over Witcher games!

Also, Eurotrash, you actually seem to have problems with a lot of games instead.

Heh, just being hyperbole. Thing is, you have problems with SR2 and you have problems with Skyrim, any other games you have problems with now? (Better respond that somewhere else, my profile or PM, since IdolNinja's watching us making off-topic stuff.) *Waves at him*
Typical, console gamers always use modding as an argument but have no idea what they are talking about.

First of all, the ability to modify games (the ability to modify anything in general actually) isn't a feature of any game, PC or otherwise. Crediting the developer for the fact that you can mod or repair your game is like crediting a painter cause you can finish an unfinished painting that he sold to you.

Uhhg, let me start. First of all, before playing SRTT in my console, I played on my computer, and I used some moods. Second of all, you can't judge someone if you don't know them. Just because I play on consoles, doesn't mean that I don't know how a computer works. The main problem of Saints Row 2 were the crashes. There's no official mod to make it stop, but you have to use some of them to do it. Check this article first: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1715922

And what, if you can't or don't enter them hat makes the city feel dead? I don't follow your logic...

How is it annoying? Would you prefer if it didn't have buildings for scenario? Play True Crime NYC then, just wait 5 minutes and after that all the buildings magically vanish, the interiors will still exist though so you should feel right at home.

By what accounts.

By. What. F***ing. Accounts.

Yeah cause graphics and gameplay are totally irrelevant in a video game.

Ok I'm gonna stop reading and responding here, I've heard enough. Get some objective arguments to support your cause, then we'll talk.

- No, but it's pointless. Not being able to enter them, and most of them looking the same, and having boring peds make the city dead.
- OF COURSE, not every building should be enterable, but Saints Row 3 takes that concept and multiplies by 100x. At least have some of them.
- By what accounts ? I'm not even going to answer that because you don't seem to understand. Every time I say it, you write that, because you don't seem to have a better response.
- I'm not even going to argue with you about that.
- They're relevant, but tell me something, if Big Riggs had better graphics, would it make it good game to play ? I don't think so.
- Those are my arguments. I give you facts. You give me '' By what accounts ''. I guess that's what I should say to you.
I would argue that it's not. "Modding" is short for modifying. Modifying has the same meaning for everything it's associated with, so look it up.

So...you can't modify the images in a coloring book? I made all sort of splendid additions to the images that were there....as far as a three year old can produce art.... just because I can't insert binary code into it doesn't mean it can't be modified or subjectively improved.

Then maybe you should check my Steam profile before you say stuff like that, more specifically on the right under the "Games" tab.

In case you read this reply before this edit: That was a cheap reply on my part and my apologies for that.

But I didn't know that that little grey bar there was a link, then add to it that I'd have had to sift through about 80 games on your list...

Nevertheless, just because you screwed up your modding list, doesn't mean that the unofficial patches made it as stable as any 32 bit highly moddable game can be.

Mods and patches fix SOME things but they don't turn a shitty port into a coding masterpiece, they rarely even make it a decent port. Skyrim is no exception, no amount of mods that I've tried (and I've tried many) were able to make that piece of s*** worth it's price. It's not even worth playing anymore seeing as it broke quests in three save games I've created.

Mods come with the inherent risk of ruining your game, especially if you stack 'm on top of one another without proper care.
I've ruined a few savegames that way, or even the game in general.
Not even a 'coding masterpiece' can prevent modding boo-boo.
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