DLC that YOU want to see

More homies with their rescue missions, loyalty missions and more story around it. If you bring back Viola, Oleg, Josh, Zimos and add Jane Valderama as homies and they all have their nightmare missions, loyalty missions and perhaps some secondary quests, you add about 5 to 6 hours to the game easily.

A new game+ option where you can play with your fully trained character, having another shot at challenges you missed.

An Insane difficulty setting wich adds more challange. Because.. the names of the difficulties are all wrong. Easy should be very easy, normal should be easy, hardcore should be normal, and then you should get hard and then very hard. I know there are mods for that and I already downloaded it, but still, I would like it if Volition themselves added difficulty to it. And not just give the enemies more health and stuff, but also give more enemies. Especially with co-op.
You know what I really want to see? Zimos. Freaking Zimos pimping aliens in other worlds cause lets face it there is none better than the Z. It could happen too, do you remember when you did Gat's loyalty mission? The Prez said that he didnt know what happen to Zimos. My theory is after the gangs when to the white house Zimos have done pimping all the girls on earth and he wants to expand his business, but where... the SPACE! OF COURSE! Plus hey, they already beaten up an empire, why not pimp the galaxy?
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You know what I really want to see? Zimos. Freaking Zimos pimping aliens in other worlds cause lets face there is none better than the Z. It could happen too, do you remember when you did Gat's loyalty mission? The Prez said that he didnt know what happen to Zimos. My theory is after the gangs when to the white house Zimos have done pimping all the girls on earth and he wants to expand his business, but where... the SPACE! OF COURSE! Plus hey, they already beaten up an empire, why not pimp the galaxy?

Zinyak could have captured him to make him his personal interior decorator...

What? I would.
I'd like to get ALL the 80s references thrown at me via DLC... But I think that with the way the game went, I think we might see something of a Steampunk or heaven forbid 'Victorian' setting at some point. (As we all know, Victorian times are 'steampunk' without the sci-fi element lol)

Imagine the Saints walking around in an environment a lot like the opening chapters of Alice : Madness Returns, but with their space-tech and dildos. Rewrite some history!
Zinyak could have captured him to make him his personal interior decorator...

What? I would.
Zimos was complimented for his business ideas, maybe that qualifies him as 'the best and brightest' and he was abducted to the ship. I mean, catalogs of your girls!? Genius!
I was just thinking about Oleg and Josh too, I mean... Oleg is as intelligent as Kinzie, and Josh is an actor. An actor who just finished saying that Nyte Blayde is the pinnacle of drama. Zinyak likes the theater and the arts... maybe they're both on the ship too. lol

Kinzie didn't know about the others until CID joined up, and even then she had to work hard to find each one. All we can do is wait like we did to know about Gat after SR The Third.