DLC that YOU want to see

The Rumbler from SR1. By extension, any other "missing" vehicles from previous games, but the Rumbler sticks out as my all-time favorite.
Now that I have actually progressed far enough, I have a new request for DLC (almost a must have in my opinion):

- A "Saints of Rage" mini-game that you can access via your ship's computer to play anytime, sort of like the zombie game from Saints Row 2!

Saints of Rage is a wonderful throw back (plays really well) to Streets of Rage which is one of my favorite game series of all time.
- Time travel DLC. Do some of the things you can see on the artwork in the credits.:D

- Street racing DLC. Put all those hard earned credits to good use tuning your vehicles and actually use them for something! Fuck superpowers! Take part in an endurance race starting at Loren Square going south-east, east, north-east, north, north-west, west, south-west and back to the square!:mad:

- Of course, new clothing (super Shaundi!!!) and cars (body mods)! Who doesn't want those?! Certainly not me!;)