DLC that YOU want to see

That's actually creepy and funny because, you know, I'm actually the boss and I control the boss...Fuck, I hate myself except in SR2.

There's a reason they're called "bosses" though. The boss in SR2, he's a lot better with Gat and even Shaundi.

EDIT: Can't anyone even agree with me? The boss REALLY went way too soft. And I mean it, WAY too soft, he even threats his members like best friends, he almost kissed Pierce's ass.

Sure, being bossy sucks, but not when you're a badass like this guy...At least he was badass in SR2, again.

Goddamn stop making me repeat myself.

The boss is not becoming soft, he/she's just not focussing on the small picture anymore. And that he/she treats the crew like actual homies (friends) is logical, because if he/she keeps treating them like shit (like with Matt, punching him several times) the crew will turn against the boss (as happened with Matt in the same cutscene...). They are the only people left. So the boss turning softer is a very smart move on his/her part. Still, he/she managed to kill the leader of an Alien race. With help from her loyal crew.

But if you think about it, the boss was more of a dumbass in Saints Row 2. Where he/she only killed and did whatever the hell they liked to do. The homies were once again doing all the thinking, giving the boss the orders and the missions. Because, whenever the Boss him/herself did something, someone ended up hurt or dead. Take the opening as an example. The boss, after just waking up from a coma, is so power hungry that they don't even think about a plan. Coming over quite stupid after a kid has to tell the boss how to get off the isle and come up with an escape plan. Or how she killed Maero's girlfriend, Jessica. That was way to dark. The Boss literaly became that what you fight in every game. Exactly as the evil twin you fight in Asha's nightmare. Hell, even the evil twin was less evil then the Boss was in SR2...
At least in SR: TT and IV the boss saved and kept homies alive as a real boss should do, but that happened after he/she lost Johnny to his/her stupidity. So if you think about it, he/she smartened up. And the fact that he/she is so lost at times in SR: TT and IV just shows how stupid he/she had become being the power hungry sociopath.

Personally I like where this is going. It was time that the boss actually became, you know.. THE BOSS and started to act like one, and not just having a faul attitude and punching or shooting everyone who dissagrees with him/her. Because that way, he/she won't stay the boss for long. You won't get loyalty that way. So I also hope future DLC will continue on that, and I hope it will add more audio files to collect. It was fun to hear other people's insights.
I disagree about killing Jessica. I thought it was brilliant. It perfectly targeted Maero in a deeply personal way, masterfully reflecting the way Carlos was targeted in order to hurt the Boss.

Plus, you know, it's not like she didn't call up the Boss to brag about killing Carlos. She was definitely begging for some hefty comeuppance. Personally, I make it a point in life to avoid taunting mass murderers.
I disagree about killing Jessica. I thought it was brilliant. It perfectly targeted Maero in a deeply personal way, masterfully reflecting the way Carlos was targeted in order to hurt the Boss.

Plus, you know, it's not like she didn't call up the Boss to brag about killing Carlos. She was definitely begging for some hefty comeuppance. Personally, I make it a point in life to avoid taunting mass murderers.
My issue with how we dealt with Jessica was not that we killed her(it was coming) but it was the fact that the boss outright does it instead of questing her and getting intel. I outright groaned when that happen because the boss did act like a moron there, which then resulted in a pointless mission attacking the tattoo guy which would not have happen had the Boss used their brain.

Like I said, we should have done that THEN drove her to get her killed. Also while people can make fun of Pierce all they want, his plan on the casino would have been much better then what Gat and Boss did, which ultimately led to the death of Aisha. Just my feelings on those two moments which I felt the boss was not thinking of the long term consequences.
Oh yeah, Boss is definitely an idiot. Even proud of it at some points.
Really, I can't stay mad at her too long, she just gives me too much entertainment. Plus how can I stay mad at someone with the voice of Tara/Laura?I just wished she would handled Jessica and the Ronin a bit differently.
Call me crazy, but I like to imagine that every character Laura Bailey has voiced is the same person, just magically transported into all of these crazy situations.

Come to think of it, that might actually make for some hilarious gameplay. You reading this, V?
DLC.....SPOILER ALERT.......seriously what I'm gonna say is a spoiler so......stop reading if you don't want to have the world crash around you......okay, I'd like to have time travel DLC which reverts the destruction of earth. Since now the Saints can travel through time they could stop the invasion.....i realize time paradox issues but.....seriously that's really not an issue with Saints Row. In my gameplay Saints Row is about a man who joins a gang get's blown up, becomes a women, rebuilds gang, builds a commercial IP with her gang, then goes to new city, fights zombies, meets Burt Reynolds, becomes President of the United States, aliens invade, earth destroyed, and......well you know....so really this is doable. It'd also give Volition a way to branch out into two franchises. Time Traveling Saints, and a "reboot" of sorts which lets you build a gang and roam around a big city.....semi realistically without Aliens or super powers. Personally I want both.
Call me crazy, but I like to imagine that every character Laura Bailey has voiced is the same person, just magically transported into all of these crazy situations.

Come to think of it, that might actually make for some hilarious gameplay. You reading this, V?
I almost died from laughter when she said "We're not vampires in this world are we?" Intentional or not, Baily played Serana, a vampire in Skyrim dlc.

Probably not Vols intention, but that was funnier then it should have been.
The boss is not becoming soft, he/she's just not focussing on the small picture anymore. And that he/she treats the crew like actual homies (friends) is logical, because if he/she keeps treating them like shit (like with Matt, punching him several times) the crew will turn against the boss (as happened with Matt in the same cutscene...). They are the only people left. So the boss turning softer is a very smart move on his/her part. Still, he/she managed to kill the leader of an Alien race. With help from her loyal crew.

The boss was never an asshole against his crew. He saved Shaundi, he tried his best to save Carlos, he brags with Pierce because Pierce needs to stop being a bossy bitch (and he did somehow in SR3, then he's back to it on SR4) and "get some balls". Even if Gat could do it himself, boss saved him from the boring trials and shit.

But if you think about it, the boss was more of a dumbass in Saints Row 2. Where he/she only killed and did whatever the hell they liked to do. The homies were once again doing all the thinking, giving the boss the orders and the missions. Because, whenever the Boss him/herself did something, someone ended up hurt or dead. Take the opening as an example. The boss, after just waking up from a coma, is so power hungry that they don't even think about a plan. Coming over quite stupid after a kid has to tell the boss how to get off the isle and come up with an escape plan. Or how she killed Maero's girlfriend, Jessica. That wabs way to dark. The Boss literaly became that what you fight in every game. Exactly as the evil twin you fight in Asha's nightmare. Hell, even the evil twin was less evil then the Boss was in SR2...

You're saying that like you actually never played SR2, or played it with little depth in its story at all. Sure, he wake up in a coma, a kid helped him and the boss actually wanted to help the kid, on his way to getting clothes and stuff, he beats some annoying enemy gang members like the Brotherhood. Bitch deserved it, nobody turns off the boss' TV and calls him a bitch. And what boss did was great, kill Jessica so he can hurt Maero the same way that bitch tried to hurt him killing Carlos. What's funnier is that, it was Maero who killed Jessica. Hehe! The irony. I love me, boss. Then I hate me in SR3 and SR4.

At least in SR: TT and IV the boss saved and kept homies alive as a real boss should do, but that happened after he/she lost Johnny to his/her stupidity. So if you think about it, he/she smartened up. And the fact that he/she is so lost at times in SR: TT and IV just shows how stupid he/she had become being the power hungry sociopath.

Actually that was optional. In SR3, you could choose to destroy STAG or save your three homies.

Personally I like where this is going. It was time that the boss actually became, you know.. THE BOSS and started to act like one, and not just having a faul attitude and punching or shooting everyone who dissagrees with him/her. Because that way, he/she won't stay the boss for long. You won't get loyalty that way. So I also hope future DLC will continue on that, and I hope it will add more audio files to collect. It was fun to hear other people's insights.

The boss was always the boss, except in SR1 I think, he did care for his crew.

I do. They have more personality but they're hardly badass anymore.

Fuck personality. Who the hell wants or cares about personality?