Easier Activity Goals

As he said.

To be fair, when the game is patched you should check for updates to any mods you have that involve .asm_pc files since there's a high chance they were broken.
I tried the difficulty levels.xbl file and all it did was break my game. When I get to the first load screen, it always crashes and I get an error saying the "inauguration station has stopped working" despite the fact that I'm not even running the character creator. When I delete the file I can actually get to the game. Is there a better fix to get the escape mission to start without just moving this mod into a different folder until I finish The Escape?
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Thank you, this mod is perfect
I never found the rift activities to be hard or too challenging. The activities I found most annoying to get gold was the On-Foot Mayhem activities, one of the Insurance Fraud activities, and one of the UFO activities.
Wait, the xtbl actually crashed the game? The xtbl, not the str2_pc and asm_pc files? Are you saying you installed ALL the mod files at once and deleting those files made the game work? (because that issue sounds like you have the old version of the full mod and haven't downloaded the updated version since the patch)

That's.. odd. It's extracted straight from files, and only a few numbers were changed. It shouldn't cause any issues, because xtbl files are loose and not referenced in asms so it shouldn't cause this sort of issue. Anyone else getting an issue?

As for Abduction and Inflato-Ray gun challenges, mine is just activities, not challenges. There IS a mod for 'easier challenges' which only does the insane alien vehicle driving challenge distance.. but I think suggest the idea there to reduce numbers on all the challenges.

As for rifts or not, that's fine. The xtbl that's included with the mod is those activities, reducing mayhem and fraud cash requirements by half across the board.
will this also make things like the generators disable faster? I am on the final mission and I have one generator left and my damn game keeps glitching out and not letting me get the last generator. I know it is a glitch because it did it with all three of them last night. I think my PC is either getting too hot or there is too much going on and I can't get the last generator to disable.

EDIT: nevermind...I DID install this but I don't know if it helped or if I just did them fast enough that the game couldn't keep up.
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This is just the activities. It doesn't alter the generators.
There is a mod that makes it longer so you can do them all, but I guess you managed. I never had the issue myself, and the last generator was a bitch and a half to do, I know.. but I found that even if there's a portal and guys are dropping out, as long as they're on the other side of the pillar they have to go around to attack you.. meaning you have just enough time to pull it off (provided they just spawned).

I probably should consider a general "easier goals" which changes everything from activities to QTEs to all the crazy challenges... this mod doesn't do that, yet.
Many thanks! for this ,you save me for doing a thousand times the same activity ;).
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