[Enhanced Graphics 2] Saints Row 2 : Shinobu" Fix - Ultra Settings

Is there a way to use this without bloom, but with everything else? At least i think it's bloom that's causing the issue. Anything that has a glow is glowing WAY too much. Below is a screenshot i took of Aisha's pad right after the Jailbreak mission (very beginning of the game).
Simple, get the one without the bloom.

That doesn't really address the problem, now does it. i asked if there was a way to use this without bloom, but with everything else. Can't enjoy the DOF, SSAO, or SMAA if i went with the only version that doesn't have bloom...
That doesn't really address the problem, now does it. i asked if there was a way to use this without bloom, but with everything else. Can't enjoy the DOF, SSAO, or SMAA if i went with the only version that doesn't have bloom...
I'm sure this will address the problem, where you have this mod installed, open the MasterEffect.h file in notepad or in any text editor I use Notepad ++, look for the sentence "#define USE_BLOOM" beside it will be a "1" change it to a "0" without the quotations then save it then close your editor go back into the game and see the difference.

I set the mod up as the instructions said but when I went to launch the game nothing happened, it just refused to boot up. I've been fiddling about with the files and settings for a while and nothing seems to work. I know this question has been asked before but they didn't seem to get a response so I'd just thought I would ask again because it looks like a brilliant mod and I would really like to have it. Always hated the muted colours of SR2.
I'd like to think I have a fairly decent computer, I can play many modern titles on max settings most of the time and everything seems to be updated so I don't think it's my computer that is the issue but if anyone had any suggestions, that would be great.
does this one also remove the dark corners AKA Vignette corner like
"[Enhanced Graphics] Shinobu" Fix | Saints Row 2 [Natural Color] 1.0 |"?? Also which is better for performance?
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