Saints Row IV Enter the Dominatrix - 22 Oct 2013

According to this twitter thread, US PC users might be seeing it either tomorrow afternoon or early (meaning dead-o-clock) Wednesday. It's a little unclear on whether the statement talking about it being 'worldwide' means that it's going live on PC everywhere then or if that just means that's when everyone will have it.

It's been pushed back to mid day October 23 rd for PC. Derp derp. Consoles get a couple of hours.

According to this twitter thread, US PC users might be seeing it either tomorrow afternoon or early (meaning dead-o-clock) Wednesday. It's a little unclear on whether the statement talking about it being 'worldwide' means that it's going live on PC everywhere then or if that just means that's when everyone will have it.
the volition not sent nor a pre-purchase and slutty po waiting here I just spoke to both the DLC not think that will launch this month
the volition not sent nor a pre-purchase and slutty po waiting here I just spoke to both the DLC not think that will launch this month

Each post you make gets weirder and weirder. I have no idea what you're trying to say.
grrr. welp. off to blow some steam by dressing up as johnny gat and rampage through steelport while i wait to kill that bitch the dominatrix.
im contemplating what weapon i will use to kill her. should i use the black hole launcher? or should i, in true pyro fashion, light her ablaze representing the blu team? (also volition, you included his flamethrower but NOT his head? someone should mod that back in. XD)
Google trollslator :rolleyes:

BTW, I really hope play this DLC tomorrow. I really loved SRIV, but the city is little boring without new missions :(