Extracting, and Converting SR4's Soundtrack


First time posting here, but since it took me about 2 hours to figure this out, figure I'd put this here.

Things you will need...
  • Minimaul's Saints Row IV Tools [LINK]
  • Toad King's BNK_PC Extractor [LINK]
  • Latest version of WW2OGG [LINK]
  • Latest version of REVORB [LINK]
  • Transcode.7z (from attached files below)
Step 1: Setup your working directory.

On your desktop, create a new folder - in my example, I'll be using SR4 for the name.

Extract Minimaul's tools into a folder within your SR4 folder.

In your SR4 folder, create a new folder - name it whatever, I'll be naming mine Conversion.

Extract your zipped WW2OGG, the attached BAT file, and move your revorb.exe into the Conversion folder.
Most important items to have in thise folder are highlighted in my image, in which really are the only files you need.

Extract Toad King's extractor into the same conversion folder.

Step 2: Extracting your BNK_PC file.

Grab your sounds_common.vpp_pc from it's default directory, and place it into your ThomasJepp.SaintsRow-rev12 folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache\sounds_common.vpp_pc
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache\sounds_common.vpp_pc

Run ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractPackfileGUI.exe - select your sounds_common.vpp_pc - then browse to your Conversion folder for it's destination.

It will create a folder in your Conversion folder like the one below.

Locate the radio station you want to extract, make sure the filename ends with _media.bnk_pc. See below.
If you are seeing _media files, but no .bnk_pc, you need to enable file extensions. (Tools [enabled by L ALT in Win7/8] -> Folder Options -> View -> UNCHECK Hide extensions for known file types)

Move your selected file back into your Conversion folder.

Step 3: Extract .WAV's

Click on your chosen radio file, and drag it over bnk_pc_extractor.exe

If it was done correctly, you will end up with something similar to below...

Step 4: Final Conversion into OGG

Now, simply run the attached transcode.bat that you extracted in step 1, and you should end up with a Completed folder.


At this point, if you want it out of the OGG format, and into WAV or MP3, well Audacity is good for this.

SR4 Tutorial.7z includes a back-up of all the tutorial images.


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Could you be more specific? With screenshots and such? Because I'm not sure if you need to place the extracted wavs into the same folder as all the files from ww2ogg019 and revorb.exe and transcode.bat or the other way around (put the exe's and bat file where the wav files are and move nothing else.)

Also, all it produces is a folder with either 2 .txt files in it, or a blank folder when I run transcode.bat
Yeah extracting all works but I too can't figure out how to make the wavs playable. I can convert them to .ogg, but when I try and use those with revorb, revorb immediately crashes, also when using your .bat file.
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I was able to get it working by editing the batch file.
Try changing the second line to the following

for %%a in ("*.wav") do ww2ogg.exe "%%a" --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin
hoeward - It needs to be converted into something playable by WMP. Audacity can do this.

the_metal_invader - I didn't think to mention it, but yes, you must move the wav's into the same folder.

duffeknol - Look at Sir Bob of Fat's post. It looks like I accidently placed the quotation around the --pcb line. Shouldn't have.

Sir Bob of Fat - Thanks.
Yep, the problem is indeed in your batch file. Just tried it without it in the folder and simply click-dragged a .ogg file to revorb and it didn't crash this time.

Thanks for the file, though. Makes things much easier.

EDIT: some .ogg files make revorb crash regardless. I'm trying to rip the game's in-game music and background tracks mostly, and I'm running into a lot of issues here. Anyone know what's up?

EDIT 2: only got interface music to work so far, for some reason none of those crashed. Also, they're the exact same tracks as in SR3. Heh.
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EDIT: some .ogg files make revorb crash regardless. I'm trying to rip the game's in-game music and background tracks mostly, and I'm running into a lot of issues here. Anyone know what's up?

EDIT 2: only got interface music to work so far, for some reason none of those crashed. Also, they're the exact same tracks as in SR3. Heh.
Hey there;

That's actually why I had to use the pcb switch with ww2ogg - because revorb was having issues. Open up the batch in notepad, and take the pcb switch out of quotations like Sir Bob's post...
for %%a in ("*.wav") do ww2ogg.exe "%%a" --pcb packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin
The aoTuV bin generally fixes the Revorb crashes - I learned that the hard way.

Also; new batch coming soon.