Fast&Mad Fun mod Saints row the third.

I can't get the hidden place cause you will be forced to turn back with you camera behind when you reach the restricted boundary of the map.
so in fact you can't see any of them.:confused: Unless you could be teleported out of the boundary.
Hey Professor Genki's Super Ballistic Manapult: Shoot yourself or someone else from one side of the island to the other side. (fun)
Where is that part where do find it also howcome i cant get to the hidden city it make me go back
I was playing coop and when we used the manapault, I got stuck in midair, over the water, and the other person was brought back and launched again(without being placed in the weapon).
The only way, short of leaving and rehosting the game, I was able to get free, was by the other person starting a mission, since that teleported me to the start location of the mission. However, my hud disappeared completely, no minimap, no weapon icons, nothing.