SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

Rage of Saints. Or Saints of Rage. Whichever it was. I'm a huge Streets of Rage fan and this felt like a nice little throwback/homage to it.

I would love to see DLC that just gives you a bunch of Rage of Saints (Saints of rage ect) that would just be wonderful and fun as hell. Anyone else think a DLC that gives you a few Rage of Saints missions epic? (I just LOVED that freaking part...Loved it so much)
Rage of Saints. Or Saints of Rage. Whichever it was. I'm a huge Streets of Rage fan and this felt like a nice little throwback/homage to it.
but there was no over the top amazing SPECIAL!!! D: i wanted to see what Saints could give!! like a stampede of Furry's with bats attacking everything in front of us or something extreme that normally wouldn't see in Street's of Rage
The entire Transformers The Movie homage, from the playing of The Touch to using actual dialogue from the movie. I half expected the power armor to transform into a semi and run some Zin over.
My favourite is Ben King his rescue, some nice nostalgia to the old saints row games.

The fight with Paul haha was also kind of cool XD though his laser eyes killed me multiple times and made me go nuts. I just rescued Johnny.
The highlights of the game for me were seeing SR2 Shaundi in the plane mission and everything with Gat. Keep in mind that I went into this completely cold when I played the alpha back in April, so these weren't spoiled by trailers. It completely blew my mind with the awesome. I even got all choked up on camera talking about the part of the Gat loyalty mission where it was playing the Boys are Back in Town. :D

Yeah, Gat's loyalty mission is awesome - made a save right before it just so I could revisit it when I wanted to, until the mission replay mod is (hopefully) out. :). I'm happy they kept the same voice actor for Male Voice 3 - cool playing with that one. Then again, all the voices are cool. The SR2 stuff was great to see, killing Maero with Pierce, Fun Shaundi, dealing with DJVC, and the "stilwater default player".

So much great stuff to choose from.
All the meta parts were pretty much the most awesome thing I have EVER seen in a game. Fighting Saints Row Default Player, then Saints Row 2 Default player. "Hey, why are there two?" "Oh no, a co-op player..!" That got me laughing so hard.
And I loved the Metal Gear Solid mission, my favorite game growing up. I just wished that it wouldn't end with the "Sniper Wolf" battle. I was actually hoping a Saints Row version of Metal Gear Rex would appear, but alas..
And of course the 2D side scrolling Streets of Rage wich should have been an activity in my opinion. =P

I do hope the next Saints Row will have more movie/game parodies. That was really fun to play.
I can't pick everything? Shame. Oh well, if I HAVE to pick just one...

"What's up, Boss, you find her?" "Tanya? No. Ameatur night? YES!"

And then the greatest mission objective pops up: Do a Sexy Dance. I had to pause in the co-op game due to hysterical laughter.