From a dubstep gun to a metal gun?

We got a response from Volition in the thread Ange1 posted.. turns out all tracking and such is actually done as markers in the music file. The catch is it may be hardcoded in, or it may be doable when we do our own music files.. so we'll have to see that.

If it IS easily moddable, it means any music you use you'll have to do all the music triggers (wubs, beats, etc) by hand for it. So, Dragonforce is doable, but it'll be a pain to do. On the other hand, it does mean you can throw tracking to the wind and just cram it full of beats to make it rapid-fire...
Yeah songs like Dragonforce would be a pain, but you know what's interesting, this is kind of how Guitar Hero worked. I remember when people wrote custom songs (for modding), you had to do each note as a marker
It's just awesome how quickly this got off of the ground. I suppose we'll have to see if it's hardcoded or not. Can hardly wait to hear DragonForce, or maybe some Sabbath or...damn, the possibilities with this. :D
Would be pretty awesome, and personally I think it would be great to get a dubstep that plays the Team America song too lol. Very hopeful that custom stuff like this is going to be workable!
After the SDK arrives, I give it a week before someone finds a way to convert Guitar Hero tracks to Dubstep Gun tracks.
Anyone who's attempting to do this (I'll definitely look into it), please don't use full songs, that's just a terrible idea gamewise, distribution wise and modding wise.
Wouldn't metal be much cooler with a Golden Axe that shoots fire and heavy riffs?
That is, if it's possible to mod something like that. :/ probably needs to be created from scratch.
while having fun with the game files I came across the sounds used for the dubstep gun.
There is actually 3 .ogg files for each guns.
sounds_common_XXXX.ogg : less than a second long, it's the part of the music when you press the trigger but it does not inflict damages yet.
sounds_common_XXXX~Song_Start.ogg : the actual hurting part. more or less 28sc, loopable.
Sounds_common_XXXX~Death.ogg : the sound played when you release the trigger.

So yeah, you can already replace the music if you want, I guess... You have to create those 3 files and replace them. (<--- total theory !)
That wouldn't work, each song has specific flags as for when it should fire the pulses, so without the ability to update those, they won't behave correctly.