Gang Plus One (Saints Heroes Gang)

Had a great time playing with this! Causing mayhem with Birk, Cannoness and Jane Valderamma felt like shooting some over-the-top Nyte Blayde commercial! This also lead me to wonder if its possible to add GiS cameramen to GPO? Then - after clever merging - can make us feel like in a FUZZ once again (providing that camera isn't yet another preloaded prop and is part of the character's mesh)

Also one more question. Since you managed to change peds to customizable gang-members, is it possible to do it the other way around? I'm asking because maybe changing Penthouse Pets do Penthouse Peds will give this DLC at least one purpose. And more variety in peds can't be bad.
Had a great time playing with this! Causing mayhem with Birk, Cannoness and Jane Valderamma felt like shooting some over-the-top Nyte Blayde commercial! This also lead me to wonder if its possible to add GiS cameramen to GPO? Then - after clever merging - can make us feel like in a FUZZ once again (providing that camera isn't yet another preloaded prop and is part of the character's mesh)
There are no separate entries for those in the DLC tables, so I assume the cameras are just animaton props with paparazzi/civilian models.

Also one more question. Since you managed to change peds to customizable gang-members, is it possible to do it the other way around? I'm asking because maybe changing Penthouse Pets do Penthouse Peds will give this DLC at least one purpose. And more variety in peds can't be bad.
I don't expect that to work, really - whatever governs ambient spawning is unlikely to allow referencing data stored within DLC packages, unless specific tags in character entries automatically add said character to street spawns. And even then, there is an issue of those characters becoming available to everyone, although in a heavily restricted form (i.e. neutral and unrecruitable).

Also, they are ugly.
Hello encogen
As i've seen by dlding your (awesome, thank you) mod, the color shuffle is optional. My question is: can it be used alone, without any other features from your mod?
Hello encogen
As i've seen by dlding your (awesome, thank you) mod, the color shuffle is optional. My question is: can it be used alone, without any other features from your mod?
Yes, but it will affect only a handful of characters, as by default a lot of those use their own palettes like "saints police" and "saints mascot", and GPO forces every "colourable" character to use the same "saints palette", which shuffler edits.
installed this with Gentlemen of Steelport and it rocks. but does this mod stop the DLC Penthouse girls from being recruitable? i can't recruit them anymore

and is the version of GPO that is in Gentlemen the latest version? because i didn't see an option to shoose Gangferno, Civolution, ect, when installing Gentlemen.

edit: also i think i might have a mod conflict. NPC Behavior has removed your added homies and made them default again (except "nude" is still there), which i can deal with for some ped action, but wanna make sure the homies still get your upgraded weapons. or are the weapons tied to individual homies.? so that now they're gone, those weapons will be too? like only Bloddy cannoness can get the blue cyber smg?

so i'm trying to see if your weapons are still being used on regular homies. could you tell me a list of the weapons they should use? because all i'm seeing are normal ones like Shephards, 1 barrel level 1 Gravedigger, but i could be unlucky. i do still see the TOGO being used by them, but no Cyber SMGs. so what weapons should homies use?
Okey, sorry if i sound like an idiot, but i got no idea how to use this mod. i don't get any extra stuff for my gang. and also, can is there possible to add more peopel to follow you instead of just 3?