Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

I was wondering if it is possible to bring back the Japanese Katanas and their animations from Saints Row 2 into Steelport? =3

I would love to if at all possible. I really miss the katana and the sledgehammer most of all. At the present we do not have the tools needed to port over the mesh and animations, but if that day comes then this will be one of the first things I attempt.
I always love the ability to pick up world objects as a melee weapon like trash bins and traffic signs in Saints Row 2, but sadly they had taken off from the third. So I was wondering if it is possible to implement it to GoS?
Fked up my HUD is gone and can't open Cell phone...i did Remove all mods before installing GoS.. still not working.
Works great for me :) The only problem I seem to have is I can't select Additional Cheats Mod and Open Cheats at the same time. It's one or the other, I would like to use both.
Thanks again to everyone for all your hard work :)

edit: seems the additional cheats are in the open cheats, so everything is good :D
Yeah, it doesn't work for me either. Same issues as ExJeff.
But I do want it fixed.

Are you absolutely certain that you are using the legal Steam version of SRTT? It's the only thing that the mod will work with, as noted in the readme. If so, what country release on Steam is it?