Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

Ah, brilliant. Many thanks.

Sweet jesus what the fuck happened to my face?!

I'm going to bet Krafty is referring to the slider change feature in the pack (I forget what it is called, morph slider).
I had that reaction the first time I tried it. When using that feature of the mod pack you just will have to reset all slider values to 50
and adjust carefully from there, as the slider values are exaggerated now. Sadly, that means whatever look you may have set up will have to be re-discovered .
That option I suppose might include a warning or something for the unknowing.
However , if one does not change anything and wishes their old look back, simply repack the mod minus the slider mod bit and your old look will be back. Assuming you did not dicker with sliders
in between.
So by modding the body morph sliders, all aspects are affected? There is no way to just mod the body triangle and sex appeal sliders? I spent a lot of time on getting the face just right and now find it near impossible to get close to what I want and still have a more voluptuous figure.
I found an odd glitch after installing GoS v1.0 B3. Don't know if it's cause I started with a current game, early save at the Return to Steelport mission. But when playing the Weird Science mission, the spawned helicopters don't fly.

The only other mod on the game besides that is CJK's hi res nude update, which I'd guess wouldn't effect Gentlemen of Steelport or would it? The only files not pertaining to the player model are customization_default_items.xtbl and customization_items.xtbl
I found an odd glitch after installing GoS v1.0 B3. Don't know if it's cause I started with a current game, early save at the Return to Steelport mission. But when playing the Weird Science mission, the spawned helicopters don't fly.

The only other mod on the game besides that is CJK's hi res nude update, which I'd guess wouldn't effect Gentlemen of Steelport or would it? The only files not pertaining to the player model are customization_default_items.xtbl and customization_items.xtbl

I'll bet you a dollar that you installed the optional mod that converts all helis into boats so you can customize them. You need to remove that mod after you customize them so that they are helis again and can actually fly.