Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

It seems to me most of the folks here that use these mods are pretty used to dealing with the complexities of the installer. Gentlemen of the Row was a pretty complicated affair but it wasn't so complicated that I didn't understand how to use it. I'm all for more choice.
Enjoying the mod! Was wondering if your going to improve the extended sliders mod, wasnt the problem something with the mesh system in SR3? Thanx again!
I have a small thing that could be added. It should be easy enough to edit the store_weapons.lua to allow for buying of ammo and guns from the crib menu as well. I just need to look into it a little after work tonight but it should be easy enough.
New batch installer menu system completed with submenus and options to build either patch files or loose mods. A ton of mods from the forum have been added too. I still need to finish up the documentation and credits, but it should be good to go for next week and ready to drop in the new asm files the moment that the ganstas in space patch hits.

Here's a WIP build. It's missing a lot of info in the changelog and credits, and most of the new mods are still untested:

I'm going to try and finish it up this weekend, and any feedback in the meantime would be great.
You do realize that specifying the included content is the majority of what I have left to do to finish it up, right? So, if it means that much to you then just wait for the actual release.
GoS v1.0 Beta 2 Prelease Final

All documentation and changelog finished, and some tweaks made to individual mods. This should be the final release for next week unless there are any reported problems.

Also, the release of the Gangstas in Space DLC patch is likely to drop next week. The new GoS is designed so that the patch should only require the swapping in of the new asm files into the mod... in theory... If so, it will mean an immediate patched version GoS release so everyone can enjoy the mods and the DLC together.

Feedback, as always, is welcomed and encouraged!


Doh, I posted in another thread. I see this is a new v ersion. Snagging now.
Will commentin a bit
EDIT OF EDIT. I'm a idiot, I see the tank radio mod in core mod now. DUR.

Also, there is a Steve's Height mod I think that I found some weeks ago
s3nexus .. .. i had to mix it in with xtbl to make it compatable
with gandalfs homy mod ...if I send that to you do you need permission
from them to mmake it part of the pack?

I had to only use part of the Gang Plus One kit because I could nto figure out how
to resolve a issue with Steves Height mod.. they both modify same file.
However I managed to use his extra homies with a mix of gandalfs homey mod and his so that worked.
So I guess Im asking. If I found amod I can't find here on this site someplace else
what is your procedure for usign it in this kind of collection?