Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

Hullo (from the newbie).

My only question regarding this is that when I try to activate the Eradicator weapon mod, it doesn't show up in-game. I've had it before alone, and it worked fine, but in this GoS compilation it seems to disappear.

What I have active (I think):
-Extended CC sliders
-Supermodder's Fast Cars & VTOLs
-Eradicator 1.0
-Gang +! Ethical Tough
-Open Cheats
as well as all the base mods.

I'm not sure what it is, as everything else seems to be working fine. I did use the bat file to remove all previous mods as per the instructions, and the mod files for GoS is in the patch format. I'm no good at troubleshooting these things, as I have a short temper and end up going back to reading books or watching TV...

By the by, this mod is looking to be the most awesome collection of explosive (truly in some cases) content at all.

For now, I'm going to see if I can put the eradicator in by itself.
Double check and make sure there isn't a weapons.xtbl in the root with your exe that could be overriding it. If not, compress your patch files and attach them here in the thread and I can extract and take a look to try to see what happened.
D'aww, I wish I'd seen that ten minutes ago. I just started a redl. I have a very stone-age method, I think..... I don't think it would have been the weapons.xtbl (if it was even there, which I doubt) because the one I used had the Eradicator mod active, unless they would have cancelled each other out.

Would you like me to recreate the patch file with the GoS client?
Essentially, prior to my implementation of GoS, I had the Porn and Murder (?) mod, which had a weapons.xtbl of its own. I wanted the Eradicator mod, so I copied the code from the Eradicator xtbl and pasted it over the cyber buster code in the P&M xtbl, which allowed both to work together (Or, at least, I had no problems).

I think (and this is from a non-programmer, so grains of salt abound) that maybe if that xtbl was still around it might have somehow nulled what the patch file was trying to do? Or would that have caused an error of some kind?
Oh, I just realized I have not emptied my recycle bin.

There's a weapons xtbl, but it's not the one I had before that combined the P&M and Eradicator mods... weird.
Anything in the root with the exe will always overwrite any GoS changes. If you have created a hybrid version with multiple merged mods then that's really not a GoS issue.