ah well if its in the exe and not a separate file then its unfixable, thank you for the information. This means even if the controller is disabled in game and an outside mapper is used such as Xpadder or PGP, it would not have the ability to auto switch the control scheme for driving and on foot without creating a setting for a shift assignment for the controller scheme that would have to be manually used everytime the player enters or exits a vehicle which noone would like.
Disabling Confirmation Dialogs:
Can these be disabled they are pesky or are these also hard coded into the exe making them something that cant be fixed. If there is a flag for them disabling it would be great because it gets annoying having to confirm every action such as exiting the garage, the game to the game menu, then the game mennu to the desktop. Big pet peev of mine from developers when they leave in these excess confirmation dialogs, I suspect their for the devs more than the end user since if a person chooses quit to desktop obviously they know what selection they made in the menu. and exiting a wardrobe or garage is not so critical that it would demand a confirmation dialog such as if the user clicks it by accident somehow it destroys their game or whatever far fetched ideas devs have when creating all these dialogs in games not just SR but most games.