Gentlemen of the Row

Sorry but I have a dumb question. Can I "update" my patch mid playthrough without any issues? More specifically, if I go into the patch builder, disable new CD locations, and apply the new patch, will I be fine even if I already have a few CDs collected? Thanks in advance
Sorry but I have a dumb question. Can I "update" my patch mid playthrough without any issues? More specifically, if I go into the patch builder, disable new CD locations, and apply the new patch, will I be fine even if I already have a few CDs collected? Thanks in advance
You should be able to. I think GotR was designed that way, to allow switching of it's mods mid-playthrough. That might not be the case for every other mod on this site though.

Switching the CD locations should be fine, since it only changes the locations of the CDs which already exist. It doesn't replace them with new ones.
If you collected a CD in the Vanilla location, it will already be collected in the GotR location (and vice-versa).
Perhaps this might help ya, but if you just want the model just go here. Just remember to swap names from "p_mcmanus" and "p_mcmanusclip" with "p_sniper" and "p_snipermag"
Thanks for the quick reply! So i assume this isnt just drag and drop ? Seems like i wont have it then never used any of the tools to open and or modify any of the files
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might be the preload.tbl, add "p_sniper.smesh" and "p_snipermag.smesh"
Got things to work now somewhat. Magazine is missing and i added everything to the preload as well. Guess ill play around with it until it works. Thanks for helping me with this. EDIT: Well i did my best but cant get it to work for the life of me. Im giving up for the time being im just not good with modding this game in specific.
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