Get Down and Boogie

I just tried installing your first mod, and that one behaves differently: When I crouch, I get the stiff unanimated model just like before, but when I walk while crouching, I get the dance animation. o_O

I do have both Gat Out of Hell and all the Saints Row IV DLCs installed. Although, Gat Out of Hell shouldn't affect Saints Row IV since it's a stand-alone game.

EDIT: I don't know which package these animation files are located in, but is it possible they are only loaded for specific missions and they aren't always loaded? It seems only "life_f_dance_b.animx" is working for me, but "life_f_dance_c.animx" and "life_gngf_dance_a.animx" are not. I have no idea why only that one is working.
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That's... a very specific problem. If there's an issue with those specific animations, for whatever reason, maybe replacing them (and there are files we could probably replace them with... but life_gngf_dance_a.animx is outstanding and I don't want to give up on it yet) could get you a working version.

But first rule of anything on the computer, if it doesn't work then try it from the start. I've uploaded version 1.2 of Technically Legal Edition to the OP, created from scratch modifying a vanilly plyf file and customizable_action. Give those files a spin and we'll see.
I've uploaded version 1.2 of Technically Legal Edition to the OP, created from scratch modifying a vanilly plyf file and customizable_action. Give those files a spin and we'll see.
Unfortunately, it behaves exactly the same as version 1.1. I just noticed, I'm really only getting 2 of the animations for complements too (this is the same on both 1.1 and 1.2). It seems to randomly select 1 of 2 animations.

Can you tell me what vpp_pc file those animations are located in? I'm just curious why they seem to be loaded for you but not for me. This is a strange problem.
The references by which I found the animation file names - within anim_files & anim_default - came from an unpack of misc_tables.vpp_pc. All I did was borrow the file names to paste into plyf - nothing else was moved out.

It might come back to Sandbox+, which I have installed - it may have dropped some NPC animations into the mix.
I've located the anim_pc files in preload_anim.vpp_pc, which was editted by my installation of the Sandbox beta in 2014. Thankfully I have a backup dated 2013. Did an extract and searched for the files.

And I found life_gngf_dance_a.anim_pc and life_f_dance_c.anim_pc inside. I extracted my current version as well to compare the contents of the old preload_anim_vpp_pcc and the new one. They both contain the anim_pc files, have the same file names, and the same file sizes. And if they're in the backup, then they should also be in vanilla SR4.

Just to be sure, I dropped the old 2013 preload_anim file into SR4 and ran it. The mod worked without so much as a hiccup. So unless your preload_anim.vpp_pc is significantly different, that's not going to be the answer. Sheeeit. Of course, it would help if I was sure that anim_pc files are actually animation files.
Okay, well I know why it's not working for me:
I unpacked the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache\preload_anim.vpp_pc" file from my game (the unmodded version that came with the game), and it DOES NOT contain "life_f_dance_c.anim_pc" and "life_gngf_dance_a.anim_pc" but it DOES contain "life_f_dance_b.anim_pc". So that's entirely consistent with what I'm seeing, but I have no idea why your version has those files and mine does not.
Maybe the "Game of the Century Edition", which I have, does not have it.

EDIT: I've attached a listing of all the files in my "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file (the one that came with the game).

EDIT 2: Perhaps you could include your "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file in the mod package for those of us poor deprived people who don't seem to have all the animations. I can help with the testing. I would also be very interested to see what other animations you have that I don't. You've really roused my curiosity now! :D


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EDIT 2: Perhaps you could include your "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file in the mod package for those of us poor deprived people who don't seem to have all the animations. I can help with the testing. I would also be very interested to see what other animations you have that I don't. You've really roused my curiosity now! :D

Sounds like a plan. Both my preload_anim files are attached in zips - the size difference between them is pretty small. I've tried the mod with both versions, neither seem to interfere with it.


Okay, I made a sorted list of all the files in each of our "preload_anim.vpp_pc" files, and I packaged these 3 lists into the attached download. There are 3 files:
  1. sr4_preload_anim_2013.txt - the list of files in your "preload_anim 2013.7z" package.
  2. sr4_preload_anim_2014.txt - the list of files in your "preload_anim 2014.7z" package.
  3. sr4_preload_anim_game_of_century_ed.txt - the list of files in "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file that comes with the Game of the Century edition (the one I have). This is the current Patch 8 (2014-01-21) version.
You can compare these lists using WinMerge or your favorite file diffing program, and you can easily see there are a lot of animations in your versions that aren't in mine.

EDIT: I would recommend putting your 2o13 version of "preload_anim.vpp_pc" in your mod, because the 2014 version is missing 2 animations that are in the latest official version, but the 2013 version seems to have everything that's in the latest official version and a lot more.

EDIT 2: I verified that this mod works if I replace my "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV\packfiles\pc\cache\preload_anim.vpp_pc" file with your 2013 version. My only possible concern is why did they remove those animations in the first place? Did they have a memory limitation and they needed those animation slots for DLC animations? If so, will some of my other animations break? I'll leave your preload_anim installed and see if I notice any other problems. It may only be an issue on console versions.

After all of that, I have to say THANK YOU for the mod -- I really like it! :D


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The first thing I did when I read your post was punch the sky so hard I nearly dislocated a shoulder.

On why the files are so different, there's a test you can do - load up your modded game, grab an anal probe, and jam it into someone.

Because my game doesn't come with an anal probe. I'm in Australia, and the anal probe weapon and Shaundi's loyalty mission didn't get pass our censors. Yes it's stupid, but I'll delay my usual rant and talk about why this is interesting. Volition had to make up an SR4 build that was Australia-specific. Normally I would assume they would take the complete build and chop-down, remove the offending articles. But maybe they grabbed an earlier build and worked up from that.

The only way to be sure is to jam an anal probe into someone.


How often do you get to say that in life?

But seriously I'd like to know. If that preload_anim is Australia-specific, it may interfere with the anal probe AND with Shaundi's loyalty mission. I'd like at least a basic test before I start handing out crippled preload_anim files to people. I hope I'm wrong, and it's a Game of the Century issue.

Also, just a few questions: Are you seeing dance animations from the compliment button that you weren't seeing before? Or better yet, are you getting five different animations from hitting the compliment button, and six animations from the taunt button? Because it's random, I find I frequently get the same animation twice in a row and sometimes an animation won't play in a run of ten, but they should all be there.

And have you found that any particular animations turns up more frequently than it really should? Because if the game has a bias towards a particular compliment, I'd like to populate that compliment with one of the better dances.

Anyway, thanks for the great news. You made my day. Probably made my week.