I just tried installing your first mod, and that one behaves differently: When I crouch, I get the stiff unanimated model just like before, but when I walk while crouching, I get the dance animation. 
I do have both Gat Out of Hell and all the Saints Row IV DLCs installed. Although, Gat Out of Hell shouldn't affect Saints Row IV since it's a stand-alone game.
EDIT: I don't know which package these animation files are located in, but is it possible they are only loaded for specific missions and they aren't always loaded? It seems only "life_f_dance_b.animx" is working for me, but "life_f_dance_c.animx" and "life_gngf_dance_a.animx" are not. I have no idea why only that one is working.

I do have both Gat Out of Hell and all the Saints Row IV DLCs installed. Although, Gat Out of Hell shouldn't affect Saints Row IV since it's a stand-alone game.
EDIT: I don't know which package these animation files are located in, but is it possible they are only loaded for specific missions and they aren't always loaded? It seems only "life_f_dance_b.animx" is working for me, but "life_f_dance_c.animx" and "life_gngf_dance_a.animx" are not. I have no idea why only that one is working.
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