Get Down and Boogie

Here is a saints row the third version if anyone is interested. Female player does the cage dance b when crouch without a gun. Just copy the tables folder to your main directory after extracted.
That was going to be my next request after we got this one working, because I play Saints Row The Third much more than I play Saints Row IV. Thanks, Viper! I'll try this when I get home.
... Anyway, thanks for the great news. You made my day. Probably made my week.
I'm glad I could be of help! I haven't spent the time to learn how the whole animation thing works, so this was an educational experience for me. It's interesting to see there's such a difference between the Australian version and the USA version I have.

My biggest annoyance, which is a limitation of the game engine, is that there's no way to put loose animation files (".anim_pc") in the install directory without packaging them into a ".vpp_pc" file. This is a pain because Sandbox+ (and other mods) contains a different "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file, and now I have to combine them manually (which new mod users typically won't do).

And I'll be sure to try the anal probe when I get home. And, yes, that sentence would sound completely inappropriate out of context. :p
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I'm hoping I'm wrong about the Down Under edition being the difference. I know from trial and error that the Australian version still has some anal probe animations buried around the place. One of my earlier experiments was "Press crouch and float awkwardly through the air spasming your limbs around".

Meanwhile, preload_anim is definitely the pool of animations that this draws from. Some but not all of the taunts/compliments are in there- 1, 3, 14, 22, 29, 41, but no 2, 4-13, 15-21, and so forth.

So if I replace crouch with plyf_taunt_2, which does not exist in preload_anim, my character t-frames and does nothing - just as your game did when you tried a dance that was missing from your preload_anim. Most of the compliments and taunts are like this - they can't be accessed by this mod as one of the 5 animations.

But if I replace it plyf_taunt_29, which does exist in preload_anim, my character does Of the River. plyf_taunt_22 is also in there, which is the Dollar Dandy. I'm thinking of using them both in the next version of this, probably filling the slots occupied by life_lap_dance_2_1 and life_dancer, although neither transitions as smoothly as the regular dance animations. If you want to see it, check out the attached file - as usual plyf goes in tables, customizable_action goes in the main directory, and you want the 2013 preload_anim. The default stand animation has also been replaced - less robotic when the character goes in and out of dancing. I'm thinking of making something like that standard - there's quite a few stand animations available, some talking, waving, pacing, and so on:


Each of those is a different damn standing animation, and the one I included in that plyf isn't one of them. Edit: No wait - I think this was a build where I testing those animations by using them as taunts. Those six stand animations should now be on the taunt button with the below plyf file.

When I get the chance I'll go through the list of animations available in preload_anim and see exactly which taunts and compliments are available without having to rebuild preload_anim (I'm sure it's possible to rebuild it with more animations squeezed in, I'm just not certain it's wise considering your concerns above, and I don't think we'll be significantly short of animations if we don't).


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Another issue to consider is co-op play. I assume that, if you want the co-op player to see your animation, they must also have that animation installed on their system. I'm not sure how the animation is sent over the wire, but I'm guessing they don't send the whole animation file -- more likely just the animation file name or some other kind of identifier. I'm also assuming that only the taunt animation is sent, since that's configurable, but probably the crouch animations are not sent.
I don’t have enough experience with co-op modding to be sure. I was going to play it safe and assume that identical files are needed. If it turns out we can get away with less, that'll be great.

Meanwhile I’ve tested the fourteen plyf_taunt animations that are in the big 2013 preload_anim.vpp_pc. These seem to be the only compliments/taunts that are immediately workable with this mod.

Of those fourteen, eleven of them are the “default” compliments and insults that the game naturally falls back on – the ones I’m using to get more than one compliment out of one button. I think I've mentioned them - the Experience (Michael Jackson), the Scroob (under the arm hello), thumbs up, head nod & woo shout for compliments, pelvic thrusts, the finger, throatcut, head shake, chest loom and jerk off for insults.

The last three out of the fourteen are Of the River (Macarena), The Dollar Dandy (stripper-like dance) and a startled step-back-and-thumbs-up. I've already tested, and these two animations can be used as some of the five compliments (or the six insults).

So I've hit the limit of what there is to work with in the existing preload_anim.vpp_pc without rebuilding it with additional animation files. I’m actually fairly happy with this, considering there’s already a lot of dances, including some dances I haven't touched on.
That was going to be my next request after we got this one working, because I play Saints Row The Third much more than I play Saints Row IV. Thanks, Viper! I'll try this when I get home.

I'm glad I could be of help! I haven't spent the time to learn how the whole animation thing works, so this was an educational experience for me. It's interesting to see there's such a difference between the Australian version and the USA version I have.

My biggest annoyance, which is a limitation of the game engine, is that there's no way to put loose animation files (".anim_pc") in the install directory without packaging them into a ".vpp_pc" file. This is a pain because Sandbox+ (and other mods) contains a different "preload_anim.vpp_pc" file, and now I have to combine them manually (which new mod users typically won't do).

And I'll be sure to try the anal probe when I get home. And, yes, that sentence would sound completely inappropriate out of context. :p
I'm with you my friend:). I play the third much more than sriv so it isn't a mess for me to toy with all this lol. Find any animations you want for the third let me know;).
Also, just a few questions: Are you seeing dance animations from the compliment button that you weren't seeing before? Or better yet, are you getting five different animations from hitting the compliment button, and six animations from the taunt button? Because it's random, I find I frequently get the same animation twice in a row and sometimes an animation won't play in a run of ten, but they should all be there.

And have you found that any particular animations turns up more frequently than it really should? Because if the game has a bias towards a particular compliment, I'd like to populate that compliment with one of the better dances.
I actually have a question for you: How the !?!?! did you figure this all out? I've just compared your .xtbl files to the originals, and it doesn't make much sense to me. Okay, so the whole "customizable_action.xtbl" file is effectively commented out. But I have no idea how you figured out that those specific taunt animations in "plyf.xtbl" would be selected at random. I know it seems to work, but I have no idea how! Nice job!

I have noticed that it doesn't seem entirely random. At least, it seems that some animations are selected more frequently than others. But I can't quantify it yet.
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I actually have a question for you: How the !?!?! did you figure this all out?

You picked a good time to ask, cause I was just working on an SR3 version of it. Mostly it was grinding with a plan.

I noticed the repeated “default” animations back in SR3 while trying to put my favourite animations into customizable_action (okay, it was pole dancing). Because it wasn't always the same animation each time I screwed up, I started wondering why. I tested it and found it was just a small number of animations that it defaults to. The game defaults to those animations.

But that was years ago. I didn’t really know what to do with them until I learned about the plyf file and really looked inside it. In there, all the .animx's have a letter and are numbered. It's like a rosetta stone, if the rosetta stone matched up armpit farts and stripper dances with numbers and the letters of the alphabet. Everything else can be figured out by looking at the letters each animation is assigned in customizable_actions or testing an animation in game by changing stand, crouch and crouch-move in the plyf file.

So today, I broke SR3’s customizable_action to make it resort to its default animations. I loaded it up, did taunts and compliments and wrote down which ones repeated. Raise the Roof, Thumbs up, so forth. Once I knew what animations were default, I just had to find what numbers and letters lined up with those armpit farts.

So by the end I had a list of what .animx files are the fallback set that SR3 uses when customizable_action is busted, and a description of what each .animx does.

Oh, and where SR4 had like 14 taunt .animx’s available in the preload_anim, SR3 has 55 (!). That might be all the compliments and insults to pick from when making your favorite bundle. And its random set isn’t 5 compliments and 6 insults. It has 7 compliments and 5 insults. Between having an extra “default” slot and more taunt .animx’s in the preload_anim file, SR3 can be customized a lot more than SR4.

So much so that I can’t decide what the hell to put in. There’s too much choice!

So I guess it’s your choice.

By the way Quantum, thanks. I wouldn’t have figured out the preload_anim.vpp_pc file was the issue if you hadn’t asked the right questions.

The attached zip has a text file that lists SR3’s “default” animation lines, describes each of the taunts available, and lists a couple of others I’ve tested. The dances and standing idles I’ve referenced in SR4 were already present in SR3 (I’ve had this game FOREVER and they were right under my nose, dagnammit), so they’re on the list too.

As Viper Venom has already demonstrated you can replace crouch, and of course crouch-move and stand.

The text file details it well enough, but just in case the defaults are:

Compliment x
Compliment v
Compliment u
Compliment aa
Compliment dd
Compliment z
Compliment y

Insult q
Insult r
Insult w
Insult y
Insult t

Find those lines in plyf.xtbl by letter, replace the .animx beside it with the .animx of your choice, make sure your customizable_action file is busted, and you end up with 7 compliments and 5 insults at once, instead of one of each.

I’ve also included a demo plyf if anyone else wants to see if it actually works. Stand, unarmed crouch, unarmed crouch-move and the above list are all modded.

Knowing my luck, my preload_anim.vpp_pc is dramatically different from everyone else's ;) Speaking of which, any chance of anal-probing someone in SR4 and checking if that 2013 preload_anim file is going to cause a problem?

I’m gonna have to make Get Down and Boogie for SR3 properly, but there’s so much choice. I think it needs multiple versions. Ideas would be welcome.

But right now I wanna mod my FOV for SR3 to work with these.


Thank you for the information and for all your hard work! I really love the variety of having it select an animation at random, and I never thought it was possible.
Knowing my luck, my preload_anim.vpp_pc is dramatically different from everyone else's ;) Speaking of which, any chance of anal-probing someone in SR4 and checking if that 2013 preload_anim file is going to cause a problem?
I just tested the anal probe (actually it's called the "Rectifier Probe") and it works fine with your 2013 preload_anim file installed. Sorry I didn't get to it yesterday. I verified that all your complement animations are still working too, along with the 2 crouch animations. Actually, the "analprobe*.anim_pc" files are all in your version of the preload_anim file too, and apparently they are the same as the USA version.

Just to be sure, I did a binary compare of all the ".anim_pc" files in your 2013 preload_anim file with my USA preload_anim file (using WinMerge). Every single ".anim_pc" file matched exactly! Your preload_anim file has more animations than mine, but it has every single file that I have and they are all identical to mine. So it's a superset of the USA version.

Based on the file comparison, I'm pretty confident that your 2013 version should work fine with the mod in all versions of the game. I still don't know why they removed some of the ".anim_pc" files from the USA version, but maybe they just optimized it at some point to save disk space on the console version.
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Based on the file comparison, I'm pretty confident that your 2013 version should work fine with the mod in all versions of the game. I still don't know why they removed some of the ".anim_pc" files from the USA version, but maybe they just optimized it at some point to save disk space on the console version.

Groovy. Version 2.0 is now up on the first post, with the 2013 preload_anim.vpp_pc file and appropriate instructions. I've also put three versions in - one just for crouch anims, one just for taunts/compliments, and one for the complete package.