Goodbye Volition

I knew this will happen, but it didn't hurt any less when they are finally gone, after I played the first and second game, Saints Row The Third became the first game I ever pre-ordered, I remember how excited when I first played it on my Xbox 360, and Laura Bailey's excellent performance made me really attach to my playa, it's the best game in the series and I will always argue with anyone else who disagree. I also met a friend in the college because of this series. Also they made the best original Xbox game The Punisher 2005.

Farewell Volition, and memento mori.
When I first saw the news that Volition is gone, I felt bad for them... But at the same time, since the initial Gang Tag Wall Art teaser, fans were excited, it looked like Saints Row was back to it's SR1/2 days. But then that CGI trailer left all the fans in confusion. They started giving us more and more (but bit by bit) and we kept directly commenting that this was a bad move. We voiced our opinions and said that this is NOT Saints Row.

I will give them respect that they didn't give in to peer pressure and stuck to their guns, because this was the game they wanted to make... But the fan base they built up with SR1 & 2 almost completely dissolved, and the fan base for 3 and 4 were even a little hesitant. This game could have been perfect... For the right audience.

The problem was, this was their fist attempt at something completely new (yet still using the Saints Row IP for some reason), so they didn't have a fan base ready to accept this game, like the initial SR1 release, they basically went for a less serious, fun based version of GTA, so fans of GTA would see the game and give it a try.

The only fan base that might have seen the new Saints Row and thought "this is the game for me" would be Fortnite fans, simply because of how cartoonish the game is. But they should have known from the amount of backlash they were receiving that this was not a game their current fan base was going to accept as a Saints Row game.

They were lucky that so many of us did stick around to actually give the game a try and hope it wasn't as bad as they were advertising it. But, while some of the gameplay was enjoyable, the game was riddled with game breaking bugs, online co-op was a nightmare (at least for me and my friends), and the story was just so far from any previous Saints Row game that it felt like a poorly written parody by someone who's never played a Saints Row game in their life.

And the one thing that will always stick with me is how they handled the "It's our time now" cutscene in this game... It was so bad (but under the context of the story, it did fit well), it felt like they were mocking the very roots of how serious that cutscene was in previous games. SR1 - End the conflict between the gangs of Stilwater and make the streets safe for the citizens, SR2 - Reclaim the empire we worked so hard for and get revenge on the gangs that killed the original Saints, SRTT - Avenge Johnny Gat and show the Syndicate that they can't just move in on our territory, SRIV - Literally to avenge Earth... SRR - We can't pay our rent or student loans, and the other gangs don't take us seriously... I wonder why they don't take you seriously.

I'm neutral on the whole LARP stuff, but it did feel like they put most of their effort into that part of the game. Giving it a full lore, providing weapons that make it seem like the whole city is involved in the Dustmoot, and giving them a reason to bring Gwen back now that the Boss is no longer in Marshall. But because the LARP stuff seemed the most polished, I found myself enjoying that part of the game more, because there was an actual story to follow.

So am I disappointed that Volition is gone? Yes... Especially since one of my goals in life was to work for them. But at the end of the day, this is the hill they chose to die on... Quite literally. It doesn't make it right or fair that they're gone, and I was hoping to at least get one more SR game from them (but with fan feedback taken into consideration this time), and it sucks to see them gone after all the great games they have released over the years.

But... Actions have consequences, and in the business industry, numbers speak louder than words.

Just for context I do believe they did say numerous times that this WAS the direction they wanted to take the series in... So to anyone who was thinking I should have been talking about Deep Silver for this, I'm just saying that Volition themselves said that this was the direction they wanted to go for Saints Row. So I know all the marketing side was handled by Deep Silver, but that doesn't change the fact that Saints Row is what it is.
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I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

Good Bye Volition
not surprised, I could see this happening, the company was off to a good start years ago but as we all know with the latest and previous games being released, things where going to go down hill. this is bad news indeed. having said that, I wish the devs luck in finding a new game company they can be a part of, their skills and abilities at developing are truly something. any employer with sense would see that.

The Reboot 2022
The newly released reboot received poor critics and some people, new developers, over at volition who was part of the production team didn't quite bring originality back into the new game. that's what people and the fans wanted, but no. we are in 2023 and received this excuse of a game, no offence, I like the game, but their is a lot missing and I, we, would have liked to see more content into the game as well as quality of life improvements, mods, cheats etc. the game did not meet the sales market and like I said received poor reviews, I'm not sure about now though. saints row 2022 current sales are:1,500,000. Compared to the game they attempted to make more modern, saints row 2: 2 million units sold.

Volition did good, but the fan base wanted more out of what the company was trying to put in. the saints row series where a good run, but its now time to pack it in, and call it a day. thankyou volition for your hard work, you have entertained many, myself included, people/fans, with your masterpieces.
The patch is still ongoing, that's the very least I can provide right now.
Wheres the evidence and tbh I'm not surprised that there shutting down some employers are like currupt with that one woman and that's just one person and then they ruined most of the classics like sr4 etc but yeah I can only assume all this will just go up in flames the sr2 patch and any other dlcs
Well, that's it, then. I suppose Grand Theft Auto is laughing right now.

Of course, we can't say that Saints Row is dead. Shelved, certainly, but not dead. It'll be up to Deep Silver to decide if they want to give it another shot.

I was afraid this would happen. I recall making a post here before the game came out stating that Volition needed this game to make big or else they'd be really screwed. Looks like my fear was confirmed.

I'm with @3rdStreetSaint 212 on this one. It doesn't feel like its a Saints Row game. The plot, I was willing to accept and run with. A regular jane/joe resorting to crime to pay off mortgage? Sure, OK. That could happen -- I mean, Breaking Bad covered a similar concept with Walter White.

But this game...? I don't even know what the heck it's supposed to be.
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Really don't understand why I'm being met with vitriol, when all I stated was that we shouldn't kick people while they're down. :confused:
Really don't understand why I'm being met with vitriol, when all I stated was that we shouldn't kick people while they're down. :confused:
It's not your opinion I think, it's just your person so to speak. From the very little I've seen of you it seems that when outside of this forum you drop this weird facade of trying to act nice and become the real you, a vindictive, hateful person.

For example when you told me (well you weren't talking to me but rather about me in my presence which is super cringe but whatever) on Discord yesterday that you blocked me first I thought that you were talking about Discord. Then I accidentally clicked "that link" in your signature and the only thing that greeted me was a list of posts that I can't look at because apparently I'm blocked on your Twitter too. That's super weird to me because I'm 100% sure that not only we've never interacted on Twitter before but frankly before yesterday I had no idea who you even were, like you just didn't register to me as a person that I've ever known or talked to.

So how am I blocked on your Twitter? It seems that you must have seen me talk about something somewhere, you didn't like it so you actively went to my Twitter page and blocked me, a total stranger to you. And if you did that then chances are I have my Discord ban to thank you for too. Since you blocked me without us ever interacting with each other and you banned me for an opinion without me ever breaking any rule and you absolutely come across as a person who would do such a thing your plea to any sort of morality or ethics feels empty and "fake".

You know, I agree with the opinion that people shouldn't be kicked when they are down but not when it's coming from someone who is kicking complete strangers as a hobby. When you stop doing that and make amends is when your voice will have authenticity to it but until then? Not a chance.

I do feel for the people over at Volition though because I'm not a sociopath but I can also think abstractly enough to have a realistic perspective of Volition the company's business performance.
I knew this will happen, but it didn't hurt any less when they are finally gone, after I played the first and second game, Saints Row The Third became the first game I ever pre-ordered, I remember how excited when I first played it on my Xbox 360, and Laura Bailey's excellent performance made me really attach to my playa, it's the best game in the series and I will always argue with anyone else who disagree. I also met a friend in the college because of this series. Also they made the best original Xbox game The Punisher 2005.

Farewell Volition, and memento mori.
Well I don't wish to argue with you. And for the most part I agree and even share some of your story, like SRTT being the first one I pre-ordered. But after playing SRTT all the way through and finding out that Mission Replay was no longer a thing, I went straight back to SR2.

But I have a biased view, because SR2 was the first in the series I played, due to being a Play Station gamer at the time. So once my friend got sick of The Simpsons Game and Little Big Planet, those being the only two Co-op games I ever played, he dug through the massive mountain of untouched PS3 games I had in the corner of my room, he found SR2 and told me I just had to play it. So I did.

And honestly, being used to only GTA SA & GTA 4 as my open world games with character customization, this game blew my mind, especially after the initial cutscene when I was met with a fully customizable character that could look like whatever my imagination could come up with. I chose a female red head, that would later turn out to be my very first prototype for virtual Lexy, and my first real realisation that I'm unhappy being a man.

Then upon reaching the open world of Stilwater, I was in awe of how much detail every single street had that made no street feel too similar. The 4 upper layers of clothing and 4 lower layers of clothing were my next discovery. And each and every day I played the game I found I was never doing the same thing, there was so much to do.

But after a few months, I realised that it's called "Saints Row 2"... So logically there must be a game that came before it. Upon finding out that SR1 was only available on the Xbox 360, I got myself an Xbox 360 and bought SR1, I loved the story, even though Dex's betrayal, Troy's undercover cop plot twist, and Julius's boat bomb were all ruined because it was all revealed or recapped in SR2. So it felt more like I was playing a prequal.

It sucked that I could only be a male character in SR1, but I did make the character look as close to me as possible, and being unaware of the trans community at the time, I just decided that me being male in the first game was non-canon or a continuity error. But upon seeing the return of Saints Row for The Third instalment, I was so excited to see Steelport, and what new clothes we'd have in the multi-layer system, and what new diversions there'd be, like EMT, Firefighter, Poker, etc...

And we all know none of those features made the cut, so I was pretty bummed. But I still wanted to see what the game did have to offer. Though layered clothing was not really a thing anymore, they still gave us a large selection of clothing items to choose from, and I kept designing outfit after outfit. I did think the vehicle customization was better, though I do miss spinners.

And Johnny Gat... And Pierce and Shaundi got a lot more screen time and character development. But once the story and the city takeover was completed, there really wasn't a lot to discover in Steelport. Maybe a reference here, or an Easter egg there, but I found myself getting quite bored trying to explore Steelport without any particular goal in mind... So I did what I always do, I returned to SR2 and just freeroamed around Stilwater.

I'll agree that SRTT is more refined and is definitely enjoyable. But SR2 is like my origin story at this point.