Goodbye Volition

But in a videogame? It's a game, it's allowed to be whatever the heck it wants to be. If you don't like it, don't play it. There are games I don't even touch because I find it offensive, but I'm not about to ruin it for everyone else. If the devs were worried people were gonna think they secretly support all the shit they put in their games, then they needn't not have done so. For God's sake, my avatar depicts a fully grown man about to punch a kid -- his kid -- and I picked that 'cause I thought it was hilarious. Does that mean I secretly support child abuse? HELL NO.
Maybe didnt attack consumers yes ?? Or dont lies "Hey our game succeed people pre order more!"its resulting A sane journalist giving low rate to their reboot.. i remember they hiding the real numbers for sales and One women said they hiding the sales number and dont allow me to review it... Maybe if you just telling the truth everything its gonna be fine.. you dont needed to disrespect the consumers...

The Haters gonna hates will remains forever in internet for number one lesson attacking audience its very big mistakes... You slipped in, you falling down from the high cliff so badly.
The Haters gonna hates will remains forever in internet for number one lesson attacking audience its very big mistakes... You slipped in, you falling down from the high cliff so badly.
That is a fascinating thing to see but to me the real disappointment there is just how many of the fanbase turned into corporate shills trying to defend whatever Deep Silver was trying to say. Like people calling others fake fans and looking down on legitimate criticism as a way to "promote" the new game, really dark stuff if you think about it. That's why you see people celebrating this closure, a lot of them were personally insulted because of a stupid videogame so now they are like "haha, pop open the champagne, boys".

But hey at least pages like Poorly Aged Things will have ammunition for years now:
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That is a fascinating thing to see but to me the real disappointment there is just how many of the fanbase turned into corporate shills trying to defend whatever Deep Silver was trying to say. Like people calling others fake fans and looking down on legitimate criticism as a way to "promote" the new game, really dark stuff if you think about it. That's why you see people celebrating this, a lot of them were personally insulted because of a stupid videogame so now they are like "haha, pop open the champagne, boys".

But hey at least pages like Poorly Aged Things will have ammunition for years now:
Well i fight with them in twitter that shills with it.. and i was right reboot will end up like this even tho i play it too but never share the photo because they will use it as ammunition to mock me again like in shitty takes.. takinf my pre order refund receipt get mad when i told them i refund it.. and i just gonna borrow the reboot from my friend.. sadly This fanbase has been divided since srtt... And Volition the one making this happen we might agree and disagree...

They even made that shitty takes account followed by srr devs.. this is why i never feels sorry if this happened.. im just gonna say you got what you deserve!!! Play stupid win stupid prize..
I really don't understand why people are rejoicing and celebrating at people losing their jobs.

At the end of the day, nobody "wins" in this scenario.
who said anything about celebrating someone's else disgrace? even when they deserves.
It's quite hard to pity them after all the shitstorm with them displaying in full force an "all high and mighty" attitude towards any form of criticism.

Considering how other studios stills fulfilling diversity quotas to boost their ESG rating and get a nice, fat and juicy slice of investment from companies supported by BlackRock and Larry Fink. It won't be hard for them to find new jobs tho.
Like I said on my other post on this thread. Nowadays studios hires tokens, not people.

That's all.

ON SIDE NOTE: IF STEPH also got her ass axed. Then a celebration party is mandatory.
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who said anything about celebrating someone's else disgrace? even when they deserves.
It's quite hard to pity them after all the shitstorm with them displaying in full force an "all high and mighty" attitude towards any form of criticism.

Considering how other studios stills fulfilling diversity quotas to boost their ESG rating and get a fat and nice juicy slice of investment from companies supported by BlackRock and Larry Fink. It won't be hard for them to find new jobs tho.
Like I said on my other post on this thread. Nowadays studios hires tokens, not people.

That's all.

ON SIDE NOTE: IF STEPH also got her ass axed. Then a celebration party is mandatory.
He pretend what hes doing not counted in the past 😑😑 and also @Beyonce where is katana with your source trust me bro im the one close to volition!!! It will appear in reboot..
Sad to see it happen. While too many aspects of the reboot was disappointing, I was hoping they'd be able to make a decent sequel if given a chance to build upon what they've already made (hopefully without the restriction of last gen consoles). As usual it is the developers who bear the brunt of the consequences and not the suits managing things (I'm just left feeling a lot of the issues with their games have been due to decisions made by the publisher, but I don't know). Hope the people who lost their jobs land on their feet.

And as usual all the capital "G" gamer clowns (you know who you are) have shown up to explain to us all "How devs who made WOKE game I don't like losing their job is actually good". Absolutely pathetic, a piece of entertainment isn't to your liking, so it becomes super important that people must suffer due to it. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but you are clearly incapable of such.
Sad to see it happen. While too many aspects of the reboot was disappointing, I was hoping they'd be able to make a decent sequel if given a chance to build upon what they've already made (hopefully without the restriction of last gen consoles). As usual it is the developers who bear the brunt of the consequences and not the suits managing things (I'm just left feeling a lot of the issues with their games have been due to decisions made by the publisher, but I don't know). Hope the people who lost their jobs land on their feet.

And as usual all the capital "G" gamer clowns (you know who you are) have shown up to explain to us all "How devs who made WOKE game I don't like losing their job is actually good". Absolutely pathetic, a piece of entertainment isn't to your liking, so it becomes super important that people must suffer due to it. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but you are clearly incapable of such.
They need to focused in SR2 patch first thats most people care rn.... Just one patch done we talk about the ip later and everyone can go home so easily no more fight since Volition closed.. no more anti criticism and banning everybody just because people criticize your reboot..
You should be ashamed of yourselves, but you are clearly incapable of such.
This is the part where I usually start scratching my head. Why dehumanize people like this?

And if you don't understand the reception then I think you should look at your opinion of those people a bit more critically. I'm not a toxic dude, I don't partake in the "culture war", I'm just an SR fan who likes almost everything that this franchise managed to produce from the time before SR 2022. I think that SR 1-4 are great games, only Gat Out of Hell didn't manage to click with me. On the other hand I hated the reboot with a passion and I posted quite a few comments about that. Nothing offensive, the only thing I "attacked" was the game and the company that published it.

Even with this I received 2 SR related bans since the new game was announced in ways where it was pretty obvious that I wasn't removed because of breaking a rule. For example when the release date of SR 2022 was announced on Steam there was a thread asking people how much they'd pay for it. I jokingly posted "5 dollars with all the DLC and the privilege of writing a review" and that was my first or second comment on the board. I received a permanent ban for that post for the reason of and I quote "encouraging harassment and review bombing - you have been warned enough". I was never warned before so maybe that's the part that's supposed to be the joke but I lolled at the entire thing because I obviously didn't do nor intend any of that.

Maybe it's obvious from the length of my comments that I value the right to have an opinion so if somebody steps on that for no reason then I take that personally. So when you hear that the damage control (because that's the reason why my ban exists: to reduce negativity on the board for marketing purposes) didn't work, the game failed and the studio that made the game got closed down then yep, there is some validation in that along with quite a bit of schadenfreude. And it's perfectly natural that I feel that way because I was wronged even if with negligable consequences.

So imo Deep Silver did this and people who are far more toxic than I am received a lot more harassment (because yes, this is harassment and Deep Silver indeed harassed their own audience) which will mean a lot more schadenfreude along with a lot more vitriol. If you still feel the way that you do then that's fine too of course, just know that being critical of this piece of crap game wasn't exactly problem free.
good riddance thats what they get for trying to fight their audience instead of actually listening to them serves them right this punishment. about the patch of sr2 on one hand such a shame that we would never get it but on the other hand its a good thing that we wont get it by some incompetents that cant get things right