SRIV Hands on with the Saints Row IV press preview

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I totally missed this topic, but now that you've got the game, can you confirm if you can do drive-by blast power/other super powers?

Love that you can affect other players in co-op with the freeze stuff. I was pretty sure TK wouldn't affect players since you also can't grab/throw players in the other games but I was uncertain of freeze.

Oh, and my friend has a quick question too, he was wondering what the male voices were. I always use Male 2 (African American) and he's been in since the first game so I'm set but in SR2 he used the Spanish voice and in SR3 he flipflops between the white dude and the Aussie =P The femme voices sound alright though, and Nolan North is gonna be interesting to say the least....Glad to see they doubled the hairstyles, I usually stick with the Saints Fro coz that's who my character is, but whenever I feel like a change I always felt the hair options were lacking and very similar to each other.

Much relieved to hear you say the city is more interesting this time around. I just bought Saints Row 2 on PC (I had it on Xbox 360, never owned it on PC until last night) and played it for a bit.....WOW it really does feel like a much better city than Steelport, and the NPCs are way more varied and everything. All my time with Saints 3 made me forget just how vibrant Stilwater really was. I hope you eventually accomplish your dream of porting Stilwater to the new engine, NPC behaviors and all.

Lastly, not so much a question, but I'm not entirely sure there's only 37 missions if you include the side quests? People have been saying the critical path in SR4 is roughly as long as SR3 in terms of missions, and both you and a 'leaker' on 4chan have said that there's a ton of side quests (To quote the 'leaker' he says 'a billion' =P) Of course he might not be able to be trusted as a source...but still.
- It sounds like the Glitch Gun and Midget Gun won't make it in the game...bummer.
- Tentacle Bat sounds like a lazy Dildo Bat reskin to me by the way you describe it.

1. The pedestrians that turned on you: Were they strong or weak like the ones in SRTT?
2. Do you like the Anal Probe weapon?
3. Are there random encounters or random situations happening in the free roam? (i.e fights, random shoot outs, people arguing etc). It adds to the world.
4. SR1's Stilwater or SRIV's Steelport?

This was only a small chunk of the game. Don't rule out either of those guns.

The tentacle bat is most definitely not a lazy reskin.

Peds were weak.

The anal probe wasn't in the preview.

There was some npc interaction, but I didn't notice any fights breaking out between them.

Stilwater, naturally.
I totally missed this topic, but now that you've got the game, can you confirm if you can do drive-by blast power/other super powers?

Love that you can affect other players in co-op with the freeze stuff. I was pretty sure TK wouldn't affect players since you also can't grab/throw players in the other games but I was uncertain of freeze.

Oh, and my friend has a quick question too, he was wondering what the male voices were. I always use Male 2 (African American) and he's been in since the first game so I'm set but in SR2 he used the Spanish voice and in SR3 he flipflops between the white dude and the Aussie =P The femme voices sound alright though, and Nolan North is gonna be interesting to say the least....Glad to see they doubled the hairstyles, I usually stick with the Saints Fro coz that's who my character is, but whenever I feel like a change I always felt the hair options were lacking and very similar to each other.

Much relieved to hear you say the city is more interesting this time around. I just bought Saints Row 2 on PC (I had it on Xbox 360, never owned it on PC until last night) and played it for a bit.....WOW it really does feel like a much better city than Steelport, and the NPCs are way more varied and everything. All my time with Saints 3 made me forget just how vibrant Stilwater really was. I hope you eventually accomplish your dream of porting Stilwater to the new engine, NPC behaviors and all.

Lastly, not so much a question, but I'm not entirely sure there's only 37 missions if you include the side quests? People have been saying the critical path in SR4 is roughly as long as SR3 in terms of missions, and both you and a 'leaker' on 4chan have said that there's a ton of side quests (To quote the 'leaker' he says 'a billion' =P) Of course he might not be able to be trusted as a source...but still.

Superpowers do not work inside vehicles. Only guns do.

Check my original article for the other player voices. It's linked at the top of this one.

I'd say there's probably at least 20-25 story missions and then the loyalty missions which are full fledged missions themselves. The rest are probably the sidequests.
Damn. At least there's a freeze gun (I think?) so I can do drive-by icings with that instead.

Completely forgot about the voice parts in that article, thanks. So the only new voices then are the two femmes and Nolan North?

Damn, I was hoping for more missions to be honest. At least there seems to be a lot more side stuff in general to do this time around so I won't be twiddling my thumbs for very long.
Damn. At least there's a freeze gun (I think?) so I can do drive-by icings with that instead.

Completely forgot about the voice parts in that article, thanks. So the only new voices then are the two femmes and Nolan North?

Damn, I was hoping for more missions to be honest. At least there seems to be a lot more side stuff in general to do this time around so I won't be twiddling my thumbs for very long.

There is no freeze gun; only the Blast superpower.

Yes, those are the three new voices.
Open world - sounds interesting. :)

"There is also a large selection of new normal looking clothes for players who aren't into the crazy stuff. "

Åh ja!

Hairstyle... that's cool, 103 (maybe there is something better than loopsided for my Protagonist... but i'm glad that at least Loopsided is still here, is what I was hoping).

I'm interested more in having Robin A. Downes voice to choose.
Playing a male character is more fun for me.

- Cool! I love insurance fraud

For mission replay: you can still create mission replay as mod, no?
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