Visuals & Graphics HD Textures Pack Mod

What are your specs? I'm specifically interested in how much video ram you've got on your gpu.
AMD Phenom II Black Edition X6 3.2GHz
Crucial 4GB DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 2.5GB total available graphics memory and 1GB Dedicated video memory

Edit: If it matters, I'm still running new releases smoothly at max settings. I even tweak .ini to try and get more out of my games.
I'm out of ideas then. Sorry.
No problemo. Thanks for trying to help anyway. Id rather enjoy the game than try and get the mod to work. Other mods are working so im happy with that. Thanks!
Alright so I would like to say that I got the mod to work. I used the texture pack 1.2 instead of the "fixed" texture pack.
Nop i'm not dead ;)
I've posted a message saying i will wait SRIV to come out for start work again my mod because the textures are the same in both games.
So i will go back soon on my mod and hope the modding tool will make it lil more easy for me.
That's great news!

Maybe it's just me, but I find the orange leaves on the trees to be an eyesore. The quality is too low to be emphasized by such a strong color. Is it possible to replace the orange leaves with the green ones?

SR 3:


EDIT: I just happened to come across this spot and thought it was kinda neat to see the slight changes in the buildings. I do miss the pretty roads... T.T
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I've tried it today for the 1st time, really nice mod.

Will you work on clothes in your step 4? (i mean especially player clothes) or before that?
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The only pb I have with your mod is that it makes my eyes bleed to play Saint Row... 4 ;)
Good Job
Can't wait for the SR4 version