SRIV How are textures are cached and read as "unique" in-game?

I didn't think about the high res stuff. I'd have to see it locally to see if it is high res character maps fighting with the normal res or if it is the same filename thing. Is this something you've released?
It's not something that's been released, but @GPZ game me his blessing to post the files in this thread.


It's not something that's been released, but @GPZ game me his blessing to post the files in this thread.
The asm file in your archive causes the game to blow up when trying to read generic_female_businesswoman02.str_pc. Did you make changes to that and forget to include it? Also, I assume I need some table file changes in order to put linda into my homie list?
I didn't alter the generic businesswoman at all. LindaS will show up by default as Stripper 3 in Gang Customization as that is the vanilla model that she replaces.

If LindaS still doesn't work - I've uploaded below the Morning Star female from the first post - She'll replace Saint 1 and Saint 2 Gang options along with the non-Saints variant. Spawn them together in the world and you'll see how the former will switch between the textures.

I'm guessing you guys copied the model files for the Saints variants (which I think explains the "missing cloth simulations" thing) and somehow changed the textures afterwards. Do you have a matlib-related app or is it all handled in Max?


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The high res texture for her is too large to load into the available memory. You have 2,621,440 bytes of GPU available and your high res character added up to 2,848,208. Not sure why this would cause flipping of the textures yet. I haven't had much time to look at it, but I'll add more information once I find it.
(just sneaking this in, no need for any discussion-breaking :) ...)
The asm file in your archive causes the game to blow up when trying to read generic_female_businesswoman02.str_pc. Did you make changes to that and forget to include it? Also, I assume I need some table file changes in order to put linda into my homie list?

I just looked at the .asm I packed for you, and you're right; I sent the wrong one.

I'll repack with the right one, but I just updated my PC rig, and that means re-downloading the entire game on to my new 64-bit OS'd HDD,'s gonna be a while before I can confirm I have the right one now.
There's a restriction on texture sizes? I didn't see that coming. Is this limitation the same on every asset in the game?

I changed another character's textures (AngieS) and the texture flipping did not happen because the character's texture names were dedicated to the Saints variant.
There are memory limitations in place for every asset and sometimes even pieces like textures that make up the assets. The memory layout is pretty intense overall. Characters/humans are loaded into slots of memory that are a specific size. The same thing for vehicles. This means there is an overall size requirement for the character or vehicle as a whole, but not a size limit on individual pieces. The high res character thing you ran into is another slot allocation, but it comes from a different place from the character. This high res slot is mostly(all?) texture data.
Your file sizes much larger in the high res area. I'm not sure if it is because of the size of the joprez texture you are using or what.

Edit: This image is actually with saints_linda_high, but the sizes are mostly the same for lindas as well.