SRIV How are textures are cached and read as "unique" in-game?

Good informative texture discussion here, thanks.
I made a new texture for Genki and would like to get them both in the game.
( the original Genki texture and the droopy eyed Genki texture )
I edited the character.xtbl and changed the models of the mascots ( rabbit, hotdog, beerman, joe cola )
to the Professor Genki character and switched around their palletes to have many multi colored Genkis.

Is it possible for example, to have the rabbit character that is using the Genki model to have it's texture path point to a new .str2 archive containing the droopy eyed Genki texture ?

If this is not possible with the current available modding tools, would something like this be possible with the SDK ?
Thank you for any info or tips on this.
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I can't help thinking about Genki with his small eyes in other way than him being stoned...
I think this is totally possible. I would extract the stuff from the genki str2 and replace the data in another mascot str2 including your new texture. You will probably need to hack up the internals of the str2 to point to the new texture name. I'm thinking things like the material file and/or the mesh will probably have to change to point to the new texture name. This is more Randall's wheelhouse though, I'll ask him about it.
Mike is right. The material texture references will have to be re-assigned and the pegs/str2 will have to be updated to include the new textures. I don't know how exactly modifying the material files, matlib_pc and or ccmesh_pc/gcmesh_pc files, actually works though.
Mike is right. The material texture references will have to be re-assigned and the pegs/str2 will have to be updated to include the new textures. I don't know how exactly modifying the material files, matlib_pc and or ccmesh_pc/gcmesh_pc files, actually works though.
Right now it is just a hex editor and replace filenames.