Errr, are you saying 'In my opinion, Kinzie
should have been written as a nobody', or are you saying 'in the Saint's Row canon that exists, Kinzie
is a nobody'? Because door #1 would be your personal preference, which, y'know, we all have. Door #2, on the other hand, is arguing with the actual plot of the game as its been written. Unless the definition of 'a nobody' stretches to cover 'someone who saved your life when nobody else was going to do it' and 'somebody who was instrumental in finding and aiming you at multiple plot coupons', then she
isn't a nobody, because those things actually did happen in the game even if you didn't like them happening.
Shaundi already dealt with advanced hacking in Saints Row 2 (as seen in Assault on Precint 31).
I'm thinking that the hacking in that mission was on a slightly different level than, oh,
breaking yourself out of the Matrix after being locked inside of it, and then solo'ing your way across the inside of an enemy fortress, stealing a spaceship, and then hacking an alien mainframe encoded in a language you've never seen before that day to break multiple other people out of the Matrix as well.
Also, Shaundi starts off SR4 the same place everybody else starts off in -- locked inside their own virtual reality trap. She didn't get herself out of it.
Note: I like Shaundi. I've always liked Shaundi. I'd like it if they gave her more to do, too. But what I like and don't like doesn't change what's already been written into canon, and what's been written is 'she is not remotely as good a hacker as Kinzie is'. Kinzie is to hacking as Johnny Gat is to murdering; she is the #1 NPC in her specialty.
And no, she is not on the same level as Johnny Gat
In personal badass? Of course not. Kinzie's going to out-murder Johnny Gat the same day he out-programs her on a computer, the second Tuesday of never.
'On the same level', in this context, meant 'you owe her equally as big as you owe Johnny' -- which you do, because she's done the same thing for you that Johnny Gat did. Which is, 'save your ass and the asses of everybody with you at the time'. She did do that in SR4, because if she hadn't been there you'd all still be locked inside the Zin matrix, just like if Johnny hadn't been in SR3, you'd be dead on Phillipe's plane.
and much less The Boss, who is simply too much of an improvisator and guerrilla tactician to let a wannabe such as Kinzie Kensington take him down.
Taking down the Boss is not actually impossible, seeing as how it happens at least once per game.
Keeping the Boss down is much harder, yes, but seriously, how often has the Boss woken up in some villain's torture dungeon? And shit, there's at least two occasions where if an NPC hadn't bailed you out, you'd have
died in that torture dungeon... I just named both of them.
You know what I've noticed throughout the Saints Row series? With each installment, the boss becomes more and more of a dumbass in order to let failures of characters such as Kinzie and Pierce take the leading role and appeal to casual markets, which are more interested in seeing a strong female character (albeit a totally stereotyped, cliched, unecessary, mundane one) call the shots over actual narrative substance.
That complaint would make more sense if the Boss was not equally as likely to be female as male. I mean, shit, Russian Lady Boss is the
only boss I ever play SR3 with, because I love her style. If 'the market' wants a 'strong female character' as centerpiece, all they need to do is move the slider to 'female' during chargen.
You think Kinzie saved the boss?
Yup! You were not going anywhere without Kinzie to hack you an exit. You didn't even know where you were.
Give me a break, the protagonist is the type of leader who defeats four armed guys in a car while drugged and unarmed, or dozens of monster-trucks mounted with weapons while on foot. He actually improvises and is not limited to one type of attack. Sooner of later, he would leave the simulation as well, just like Kinzie did, and free the other Saints.
That same type of simulation held
Johnny Gat prisoner for
years. I'm pretty sure the Boss would not have been leaving it anytime soon without help, especially given that they're so ignorant of computers that they need an assistant to help them program their VCR.
I wish Lin was alive to teach this kid a lesson.
An odd thing to say after we just spent an entire game hanging out with dead people.