Ideas For Saints Row 4

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SR3's character customization is way better if you ask me, from physique to clothing. For one, the characters don't look like retards, and even if it's semi-cartoonish you can still make the character look like a real person. Every other type of customization took one step forward and three steps back though... and still no f*cking helicopter customization!
Pffft 'real' persons.
Like those 10 million failed copies of Lil Wayne or 2pac on the official site. Dull.¬_¬
I made my character look like a 3d version of an anime character.
Hopefully SR4 is still in full development despite THQ's financial woes. The Humble Bundle definitely helped.
I just hope they continue to improve upon it's already great foundation. Improved graphics, fun campaign that doesn't take itself too seriously all the time (kinda like a hybrid of SR2 and SRTT storytelling), and more diversions is really all I ask for.
yeah that's the kind of thing i was trying to get at :),

Apparently SR4 is already in the works according to THQ

THQ need to get their shit together first. And Volition needs to focus on Saints Row if they want to stand a chance against these shitty over-rated games kids go crazy for these days (Call of Duty, High-low, GTA, etc). I honestly don't know why they won't drop Red Faction, that series sucks, it always has. Never sold for shit ether.

you know how they got Gary Busey in sr2 and Hulk Hogan in srtt, well they should get soem rappers voices and stuff for sr4

Snoop Dog is mute.
I was too lazy to read all the posts, but i really want to see:
A mall like in SR2. Was pissed when I found that there isn't one in Steelport
Layering options. I like the variety of clothes in SRTT, but I want that, and the ability to outfit my person in individual clothes as well.
I also want the ability to save different characters from Image As Designed. i.e: I have a blond guy, but switch between him and a brunette a lot. I want to be able to save different character builds like you save outfits.
oh, and Gandalf length beards.
The biggest problem with SR3 is the actual sandbox itself. Steelport is boring and there's far less to explore than in SR2 Stillwater. So a better sandbox, wherever and whatever city it may be, should be priority number one.

After that I want to see a return to SR2's melee combat system since it was far more satisfying. Maybe keep the finishers from SR3 but make them rarer, possibly implementing a power up meter that build as you use regular melee attacks and when full allows you to use running finishers. A return to layered clothing would also be great since it allows for better customization (and on a sidenote, bring back sling bikinis lol). They also should bring back all of the missing activities like Fight Club, Fuzz, Septic Avenger, etc. and make them SIDE MISSIONS, not including activities in the main storyline like Sr3 did.

Hopefully Jason Rubin gave the team a good kick in the pants but at the same time his comments about the humour of SR3 make me nervous that he might have influenced them to make the game more serious, which would be a horrible mistake.
I'd like to be able to do concerts with a band or anything in a new SR.
As an activity or anything. Everytime a different song. Maybe any song in your documents or music folder. And that you have to press the right buttons: keyboard would be q, w, e, r, t, y, (for the users of the QWERTY keyboards) to keep it easy. For users of the Xbox pad it'd be A, B, X, Y, ←, ↑, →, ↓, RT, RB, LT, LB.
I know, it's going a lot into the direction of guitar hero, or project diva (for people who know that game), but it could be part of the sandbox, just randomly... And when you're not doing that activity there'd be other bands playing.
It's all up to Volition though.
The biggest problem with SR3 is the actual sandbox itself. Steelport is boring and there's far less to explore than in SR2 Stillwater. So a better sandbox, wherever and whatever city it may be, should be priority number one.

After that I want to see a return to SR2's melee combat system since it was far more satisfying. Maybe keep the finishers from SR3 but make them rarer, possibly implementing a power up meter that build as you use regular melee attacks and when full allows you to use running finishers. A return to layered clothing would also be great since it allows for better customization (and on a sidenote, bring back sling bikinis lol). They also should bring back all of the missing activities like Fight Club, Fuzz, Septic Avenger, etc. and make them SIDE MISSIONS, not including activities in the main storyline like Sr3 did.

Hopefully Jason Rubin gave the team a good kick in the pants but at the same time his comments about the humour of SR3 make me nervous that he might have influenced them to make the game more serious, which would be a horrible mistake.
I want a more SR2 mix of hilarity, batshit-weirdness and seriousness.
My List

1) Bring in Multi-player free roam kinda like GTA IV
2) Make it to where online you can have your own gang color in free roam
3) Make a big city
4) And make different cities that can either be accessed by goin to the airport or flying there with your on plane
5) Bring back home creation like in SR2 but add more games to be use with the TV
6) Last but not least create an even better character creation such as: better tattoos, better clothing, and hi-def skins- Black, White, Asian, ETC.

Moderator note: User warned for attempting to be a Unique Internet Snowflake™
The biggest problem with SR3 is the actual sandbox itself. Steelport is boring and there's far less to explore than in SR2 Stillwater. So a better sandbox, wherever and whatever city it may be, should be priority number one.

Stillwater imo is much more fun and interesting to drive around and had a fairly decent highway system that you can cane it around on a bike or car for hours on end (at least for me anyway) while listening to your favorite radio station; shame that the game crashes often though. Steelport in comparison is just a massive grid and all the highways are pretty much dead straight. I guess SR4 is going to be in Steelport again but I wish they would expand and or change it up a bit.

Also there seems to be a difference in the way vehicle sounds work between SR2 and 3, in SR2 the sound made by an engine would remain constant if you maintain steady acceleration whereas in SR3 the audio loops over and over regardless of how much gas you give it. I guess that was another cost cutting measure but it needs to be reverted imo.
I still rather have an Attrazione as example, that seems to accelerate endlessly (or why not think it shifts back?), than an Attrazione with a 3-speed gearbox.

Another one of all those many things I posted here that I would like to see is the ability to control the cutscenes. And that you have to control them or else it will go wrong. Just to keep the players sharp. :)
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