Ideas For Saints Row 4

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*Never played SR1 or 2 so none of the characters really mattered to me, but I do hope SR4 has a less scrambled story
*More useful melee moves- Such as when you Combo punch a guy he goes flying backwards as a projectile
or when you ride someone like a skateboard it leaves a trail of fire.
*Secondary moves for each weapon- i.e. for SMG a super human leap up while you aim and rain bullets down,
a limited wall run for Pistols, or jump on your rocket launcher like a broom stick and blast away from trouble.
(disabled indoors?)
*More Specter Bike
*A more alive city- Not sure whats missing I just felt like SR3 lacked variety in the open world.
*Not being able to upgrade into invincibility
*Kinda hoping that after Enter the Dominatrix your character wakes up slightly in the future where aliens have made contact
and in order to facillitate diplomacy turned their ship into a small city where (wealthier) humans and aliens live
that floats over the old city (both playable areas). And as the player goes for revenge against the alien leader they
uncover a plot for world domination; or maybe something less cliche, I dunno.
(Yes I know its all silly)
The Saints firetruck with a flamethrower instead of water cannon. GTA2 anyone?
Steelport as an independent fictional country, Saints Daedalus. ;D
Hmmm.. Most of the things mentioned above, really.

- More constumisations for your char (Move style, different fighting style, make the breast stand less further appart... xD )
- Better LOD and more traffic at rush hours.
- More active Pedestrians. Make them do more stuff like in Saints Row 2, like the man bands, or them playing some sort of things. Oh, and make them jump out of the way of very fast cars. And not infront of them. xD
- More activities, and the short cutscenes that comes with them. And please, Fightclub. :D I miss that activity. And make them 6 rounds again, not 3.
- Start missions on certain areas again, not through Cellphone. Just use Cellphone to replay the missions or something.
- Remove the upgrades for weapons, but link weapon upgrades to Activities like in SR2. Like, only get infinite ammo for certain guns when you complete all 6 instances, or if you do all the hitman contracts.
- More active character when you stand still. Like when you stand still near a railing, your char automatically hangs on it, or near a char, you char sits down, or in a club, your char dances.
- Portable Radio in the game, so you can listen to tunes while walking. They have a iClone Phone, so it should have a speaker and mp3 player function?
- Add your own tunes to the radio on PC version, or link itunes to the Saints Row radio. Or perhaps a internet radio? Just insert the link from your fave radio station and listen to real radio when in a car.
- The Mass Effect like dialogue and the options is also a very interesting idea.
- If your own char can survive a Boat explosion, so can Shaundi, Mayor Reynolds and Viola. So they should be able to return.
- Steelport and Stillwater in one game.
- A bit more serious missions, so the funny missions seem more fun. =P
- Perhaps a guest role from another famous actor for fun. xD Like Bruce willis or John Malkovich, or Will Ferrel.
- Bowling and sports.... >.> Naah, forget that. xD
- 16 player multiplayer. Street Wars, or free roaming. Or special multiplayer missions.
- Your char getting dirty/bloody/bruised if he/she doesn't visit the wardrobe or a shop from time to time to change clothes. xD
- Get health back from food and drinks again, and let it recharge slower then it does in SR3.
- No more easy "No damage from falling." Change it to when you drop from a plane and you hit pavement, you only keep 1% from your life, cos.. Really.. It was just to easy to get it. xD
- More different vehicles. More different weapons. More clothes. Longer DLC. xD And at least a 150 hour playthrough before you finished the bigger part of the game. =P
I love alot of the feedback and all of this topic and it definitely catches my eye.

I think what we need is expand upon the character creation quite abit more. I wanted my Hispanic or Asian character to speak like a Hispanic or Asian man in SR3. But all we got was American English/British English/African American, and the same with the Females then we had the Zombie voice. I think if they wanted us to have that zombie voice... they could have provisioned us with setting our character up like a hybrid zombie *boss* since that's what our character technically is the "Boss".

Another thing I would like to see is, of course, the option of being able to not only dress up your own self to look more unique... but also bring back the ability to also dress in clothing that NPCs tend to wear, too. Heck, even have a full blown Professor Genki disguise with labcoat, pants, shirt and tie and tail and all. I really wanted to be a Professor Genki look-alike asides from the FUNTIME! outfit which is alright and unique. But I didn't feel 100% Genki except with that silly 'Bobblehead' hat.

And I'd like to have a Whored Mode which also offers a 'zombie apocalypse' feeling to it. I think the zombie thing in SR3 was alright but leaving it as a central island and having most travel routes go through there for these random 'call' side missions was an utter annoyance.

Also I think that the cellphone shouldn't ring that much or often about your homies needing help almost every 5 to 10 minutes of game time. The only time you ain't bothered by that mess is when you aren't in the 'free roam' portion of the game. So, yeah.

Another thing I'd like to add is perhaps give our character a friggen handheld radio so he can listen to jams from the radios that play in the cars as you move around *on foot*. I think it's kind of crazy our characters never carry I-Pods around with them to listen to their favorite jams. Seriously... it would be nice to roam around instead of having to mod your way to listen to a *on foot* radio.
Try Idolninja's Sandbox+ mod. Works great. And the ambient radio (Read: Radio on foot) is a bit softer, but I kinda like it. Makes it more... realistic, as if your char is listening to the radio on her/his iClone cell phone. xD I can't wait till the next GoS mod update that allows you to change the music in the radio stations with your own music. :D I just wish there was a way to add more tunes, but.. Meh. Doesn't really matter. Enough radio stations to do so. XD I think the Rock station will have mostly Metallica and Lacuna Coil. x3
There are many excellent ideas and suggestions for SR4 in this thread "Ideas for SR4"( thanks for starting this thread Sweetness T17 ;)).
:cool:Attention Forum Administrators
How about the creation of a forum section called "What us paying customers want in SaintsRow4"
( It should only take a few minutes to go into the forum admin panel and get it done ):D
As you know by checking the IP connect records, Volition, THQ and Steam staff personnel periodically view this site.
Why not make it easier for them and us to get their attention by creating this forum section.;)

All of us here are paying customers and players of their product SR3 which also makes us their product marketing research targets.

Hopefully the developers of SR4 will aheed to our suggestions and implement them into the game.

Here are some of my SR4 suggestions ;

1- ALL TOOLS ( for decompressing, extracting, unpacking, editing and repacking ALL SR4 archives/file formats.
2- Player Character Creation Save Option ( Save your Character to your HARD Drive - NOT having to upload it to some internet site unless you want to )
3- Customizable HUD Positions ( Set up your HUD display the way YOU want it to be )
Why not make it easier for them and us to get their attention by creating this forum section.;)
All of us here are paying customers and players of their product SR3 which also makes us their product marketing research targets.

Hopefully the developers of SR4 will aheed to our suggestions and implement them into the game.
Both very true.
Nice idea about the tools and HUD positions. Perhaps also the size. I would also like... though it should only be an extra option or something, but a different weapon/equipment system. Cos.. I kinda like the way the Max Payne 3 weapon system works. Carry 2 hand guns and one 2 handed guns, or dual wield the two hand guns. Also in the vids, how Max carried the two handed gun with him, unless he had to do some special move. I know it's not really Saints Row'ish, but would be cool and add more challenge to the game. Or else give the option to remove weapons from your inventory. In SRTT it was to easy to get a full army arsenal very fast.

And, also a different ingame chat. Instead of using Steam Overlay to chat, an ingame chat window. Perhaps make the text appear as one of the tutorial pop ups. That way you can type quicker without having to shift/tab to close the chat window again. I know it's just a small think, but I still wouldn't mind to see it in the next SR4. Also the abillity to just sit on a chair or couch when you hold the "enter vehicle" button next to a chair that is still standing. Just for funs.
I want THIS to be driven by STAG or the police on higher levels. It is called "Suppressor".
EDIT: The Saints version would be also fucking awesome. o_o
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