Ideas For Saints Row 4

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I suppose this is the end of the series, as one of the devs said in an interview that this is (something like this, memory bugs me) "the last chapter of the saga".
I don't hope so though, they can still go one step further. (Emperor of the universe or something).
Or they just can go and take their eyes on a different gang, or just a different part of the saints.
But really it'll be disappointing if they would stop making this kind of game.

Oh yeah and in the interview with Steve Jaros, Steve said that they won't be doing any layered clothes because of some reasons with the NPCs. The NPCs in SRIII and SRIV have all their own mesh, while all the NPCs, and the player character, had the same skeleton. 'Which actually gave them the reason to use that system of clothing.' I suppose, now that all NPCs have their own mesh, which is _purely_ to have better and smoother animations, there's "no_reason_anymore" to utilize that system. Which, to me, is _total_bullshit_.
That system won't be there anymore for the NPCs, but that doesn't mean the player shouldn't be able to have layered clothing...

Personally the lack of layered clothing isn't a huge deal breaker for me, the main issue I have with the clothing system in SR3 is that a large majority of the outfits just kinda suck. I would certainly love to see layered clothing make a return but a higher priority would be just getting decent clothes to begin with. It would also be nice if we could choose effects for the clothing like the mod on this site which gives them a leather/shiny effect.

Also I don't believe SR 3.5 is the last game in the franchise :)
I would certainly love to see layered clothing make a return but a higher priority would be just getting decent clothes to begin with.
Yeah, at least shape-wise. I know hoping for alpha-masked clothes is a pipe-dream, but it's still one I'm havin'.

Your username & avatar made me wonder, so I'm gonna ask... Is that supposed to be Rashard Lewis? I mean, dude's got the chin beard. Might be more John Salmons, though.
Either way, I doubt there are a bunch of fellow NBA fans in this topic who'd even know who those 2 dudes are, though.[/quote]
What do you predict Saints Row 4 will be like: what type of story? Will they bring Gat back (Hopefully not in a cliche and cheesy way :p )? Will we be moved to a much bigger city, as people are complaining that Steel Port is too small? What do you want Saints Row 4 to be like? What's going to happen to Shandi because, depending on your gameplay decisions, she was left to die. Post your predeictions/list of thing you want here.

I would love to see more then 1 zombie mission. Haha, maybe even your character sleeps with Kinzi :D and some more tatical weaponry, not this laser bullshit, i'm a type a guy who likes realism, not this halo shit, But the dubstep gun looks Bad ass!
Honestly, provided they tone down the CUHRAAAZY-ness a bit without sacrificing SR's self-referential sense of humour I'm sure the rest will fall into place. SRTT seemed a bit too aware of the series' success and tried a bit too hard, losing some charm in the process. The missions were pretty repetitive too actually, and don't even get me started on Gangstas in Space (the mission). 4 just needs to go back to what SR2 was a bit imho.
What I would like to see is better "CLOTHES". I love taking time to deck out my "Avatar". Its fun xD! Also someone mentioned the ability to "Use Your Own MP3" now that is something I would like to see in this game as well.

I wish they took more time to work on this game and made the characters better and stuff including NPC's. If ever they plan to make a Saints Row V. I hope they take their time to make it.
Well, yeah. I liked the easter eggs in SR2. But that is the least of the things I want back. Idolninja has put a "review" on his site, telling what won't come back. Most of the stuff you had in SR2, sadly. But there will be more of the old. More different clothes, more different looking guns, more intense and serious story. Just imagine what Volition can do with Saints Row 5 in Next Gen, since Deep Silver is giving them free reign and allows Volition to just make the game they want. I think Saints Row 5 will be SO TOTALLY BAD ASS that it will beat all the previous Saints Row games. Wether it be a reboot, or just a whole new story in a whole new city with whole new characters. As long as they will never take out the character creation. xD That is one of the key things that makes Saints Row so much better then most of the shooter-sandbox games out there.
The new engine just wasn't build for it, I guess. It added something, but I won't really miss it that much. Okay, true, it was more fun to do some Hitman missions and having to wait till a certain time, or just cruising through the city during darkness. Perhaps they could still put in a menu where you can choose the time of day? And still, I'm sure if Volition won't, a modder will. Idol Ninja already has a mod that does that. ^^
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