Is your boss a man or a woman?

Is your boss a man or a woman?

  • A man

    Votes: 15 17.0%
  • A woman

    Votes: 52 59.1%
  • I use several character of different genders

    Votes: 21 23.9%

  • Total voters
I saw that many of you use the word 'she' when they talk about their bosses, so I was curious, it seems that many of you like ladies.
I prefer men bosses, maybe because I'm a woman, but for me, male character are more interesting to move and strangely i fell more closed to them than to women.
I have 3 profiles, first one female, second one male and third one is female again. Going to start my fourth round with male character.
I actually play as both (separately) because the voices are all just so darned good! However, if I had to pick one or the other I'd go with female simply because I find it a lot easier to make an attractive female boss than a male one.
Male, I suppose partially because SR1 was male only and that kind of cemented it for me, but I typically play male in any game where there's a choice. I'm not sure why, I wonder if there is some psychological study done on this lol Would be interesting to read if so.
both! i tend to flip-flop between being a male superhero or a bikini-clad alien babe. XDDDD
Technically one of each. My own personal Boss is male (see avatar) and the Boss I share with my roommate is female. :)