It's Talk Like a Pirate Day!

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Saw this one passing by:
How do you uninstall it it just crashes my game because im not using the Steam version of Saints Row The Third.
Number 1:
Old Uncle Pirate says: 4ewer i knu dat volulition gayz ar rel asholez saintz rou destroid mein cmputer und nov nuting wurkz FUUUUK DEM!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Translation: I just downloaded Saints Row from Torrent (or other shit, I don't remember) and it installed whole bunch of various viruses, spyware and trojans, nothing works now, FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKK, screw Volition, it's THEIR FALSE!!!!!!!

Number 2:
Old Uncle Pirate says: fuk dik ninia hi baned my fur buing boksed saintz rou!!1!11!!1 yo shud knu dat its ultimat editon its 1000%% leagl rely butt dont ned stem!!11111!@11!!

Translation: Shit, IdolNinja banned me for pirating Saints Row and Minimaul doesn't respond for my e-mail... o, wait, I've got genius idea! I'll make second account and write that I've got ultimate edition that don't require Steam, I'm true GENIUS!!! :cool::D:cool:

Number 3 (well, that one is a bit off-topic, but I think it matches here):
Tru Consolez Playa says: o mein gud dat mud lok awsume butt it dont werk fur me Xboks!11!!!1!!!!!!11 HEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEE!!11!1111!!!1!!!
<after message from moderator that all mods are PC only> fuk yo al i rely whant it in Xboks butt yo hav consol playas in as scru idol dik und rulez o und yo knu wat consolez are 10000%% beter dan computerz u idiotas!!111!!!!!11!1!!!!! and btw danke fur wasteing me time too instal it on consol

Translation: Well... I think it really don't need it. :p

Number 4:
Tru Consolez Playa (aka Pirate) says: o gayz haaaalp meee i tryed to instal modz on saintz rou fur mein plaistatyon thre butt thei dont werk soo i dawnloded de game from skidrou und tryed agein nov it crasch wile startink sheeeit wat im doink wrang :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!111!!!!!1!!!1!!!!111!

Translation: I registered on the forum without reading rules (who even cares about that shit?) and tried to install some mods on my PlayStation 3. It didn't work, so I downloaded Saints Row from that amazing site called Skidrow and tried to install mods again. Now game crashes while starting. Any idea WHAT THE HELL I'M DOING WRONG!? :confused:

Writing every word with mistakes takes some time, but effects are nice. :p
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Actually #3 doesn't necessarily mean they're a pirate. Console modding has legitimate uses. Though it's still very likely, especially since they wouldn't have read the rules. :-)
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