Joe's Tacticool Weapons!

Ok, so this went from in progress to complete really fast because... I'm a spaz. I'm messing with other weapons to see if I can improve them any, but here's a run down of this mod. They all feature improved normals, speculars, and altered primary textures. The textures work on all upgrade levels of every gun, and as far as I know most of them should work in cut scenes too. Its a bit selective to see peds carrying these weapons with the new textures due to the preloader, so some may still carry guns with the old look, however you're character will always have them.

Shepard 44 - Now features a mostly black texture with wood grips like a 1911.
T3K - Now has a very Heckler and Koch look to it, very gritty and tactical.
Krukov - Woooooden furniture! No more military green, carry a real AK with pride.
AR55 - All black tactical goodness.
Minigun and Lucha Launcher - No more pink stars.
Stun Gun - STAG law enforcement reskin, this is part of a much bigger plan, but I thought it'd be fun to share.

V2 adds in:
D4TH - Now features a darker more gun metal look than grey plastic
Police Shotgun - More metal looking
Chainsaw - Now red instead of yellow, more vibrant blood.

V3 UPDATE! - not compatible with golden guns.
Grave digger - de-uglified! New specs, normals, and texture.

V4 update:
Police Shotgun - now utilizes the extended mag for level 3, and drum for lvl 4
D4TH - More detailed, less blue.
Sniper - Tan texture inspired by the movie shooter
Rocket Launcer - New RPG7 inspired texture
AR55 - Improved speculars, better gun metal, no more chrome bits.
Grave digger - optional items_3d.xtbl, this will make it remain double barreled, do not use this file if you want a triple barreled monstrosity.






Conflicts with any mod using the Items_Containers.asm

Boom! A new challenger appears. This is for anyone who wants to be the most Saintly Saint in Saints Town Saintselvania. This is a stand alone, this is not compatible with the Tacticool Weapons Mod.


Download, drag, drop, DO NOT USE WITH TACTICOOL MOD! It will crash.

Decided to make this before it could be requested, to use both mods together, just download the Saints Pistol Compatibility file.
1. Install Tacticool drag and drop
2. Install Saint pistols drag and drop
3. Drag and drop the Comatability ASM, MUST BE IN THIS ORDER

Any suggestions, please share. ^_^

SUPER ULTIMATE OFFICIAL FINAL RELEASE! Its jean cream'in time yall. o_o
- Optional ASM's, pick gold or black pistols.
- Feautres all previous texture based enhancements
- Optional shotgun mesh alterations

There are instructions in the download.


yes good idea to make the weapons saints purple ande the saints icon like. could be awesome!
I'm working on an update to this at the moment. Chainsaw, Police shotgun, and the Decker SMG. Not any major changes to them, but expect these soon.





U-u-u-uuuuuupdate! The Grave digger was a bastard to make look good... as levels 1 and 2 are cool lever action shotguns, at level 3 and 4 is just looks like a pile of barrels with a trigger. I think the Terminator would be proud to carry this though.
I'd say level 3/4 STILL look like a pile of barrels and a trigger.
Except now it's in the good way! ;)
I admit, now it looks like a slightly older used but still deadly weapon. Servicable deadly. Like, the only thing left is to add an ammo feeder or something to replace the lever-action, cause it's as good as it gets.

Do you plan to go over the rest of the guns like the rocket launchers and specials?
I'm debating it... I mean I've looked over the sniper rifle and rocket launcher. The minigun and lucha launcher looked great to me, so I just removed their stars. The Rocket maybe could be done up to resemble an RPG7 a little more, and maybe I could like... camo the sniper and make it look like something you'd see in the movie Shooter?

My over arching goal is to just kind of make the guns that look plasticky or bad have a little more personality. If you have any requests or suggestions I'd like to know.
Sorry, I don't have many suggestions.. although, wouldn't mind the STAG guns looking more future-y than just some white ceramic thing (yeah, I know that's their 'thing' but it hardly looks like some super laser gun now does it?)
And I admit, I can't think of what'd be done about the reaper case (it's pretty good as is), the remote controller lacks a lot to go on, and the grenades are pretty much fine as is.
