Juiced Patch

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Please remove the hard dependency on Discord Game SDK, if I remove the DLL the game won't start with the mod applied. I am not interested in any Discord integration as I don't use it and don't want it to create unnecessary connections.

There's a config parameter to disable it additionally, but it would be nice to not require a DLL that is never going to be used depending on the configuration.

Additionally, I found that UseFixedXACT breaks cutscene audio on Linux/Proton, any version I tried (8.x, 9.x, Experimental and GE) had the same result of no audio and a silent pop a second into the playback.

Also, on the linked website I could find version 5.3.1 of the mod, please update the OP.

Finally, is there any difference between using unpacked Steam executable vs. GOG executable? The warning dialogue mentioning LAA patch specifically addresses "the steam executable for SR2" being unstable.
UseFixedXACT is a hack that improves sound quality. As it's a hack and doing things unsupported by the API it may not work on all systems. That's why it's optional. Linux already has improved sound quality over the Window's version so it isn't needed on Linux.

All does LAA increases the memory available to the game (it almost doubles it). It eliminates errors due to running out of memory and means housekeeping routines aren't as essential to keeping the game running smoothly. I believe Windows apps running under Wine already set the LAA flag.
i'm having problems starting a new game with the patch installed. I have x-input disabled and am running this on a fresh install, no other mods. I also unpacked the game's exe using steamless.

edit: this is my debug txt file contents
Checking if LAA needs to be patched.
Game is already LAA. Skipping...
Patched Kernel32.GetVersionExA.
--- Welcome to Saints Row 2 JUICED Version: 5.3.2 ---
RUNNING DIRECTORY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row 2\
LOG FILE CREATED: Sat 19 Oct 2024 - 05:23:17PM
--- Based on MonkeyPatch by scanti, additional fixes by Uzis, Tervel, jason098 and Clippy95. ---
Calling hooked GetVersionExA.
Hooking WinMain.
QueryPerformance multiplier is 1.000000
Patched Kernel32.QueryPerformanceFrequency.
Patched Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter.
Not using ExceptionHandler.
Calling Hooked WinMain.
Module name = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row 2\sr2_pc.exe
Memory allocated to process at startup = 4095MB, memory free = 3808MB.
Fixing Network Adapter Binding...
Patching openspy.
Expanding Memory Pools.
Expanded perm mesh cpu to 1376256
XInput Disabled.
Forcing the use of a fixed XACT version.
FOV Multiplier: 1.000000,
Changing Lobby List...
Lobby Map 1 Found: sr2_mp_lobby02
Lobby Map 2 Found: sr2_mp_lobby03
Fixing Frametime issues...
Adding Custom Key Toggles...
Patching VanillaFXPlus...
Re-writing Debug_Print...
Patching GameRenderLoop...
Enabling Borderless Windowed.
Attempting to initialize Discord RPC...
Discord RPC Initialization failed !!!!!!!!
Error code: 4
Patching GOG No FPS Limit.
Patching Better Drive-by Cam...
Patching Better Handbrake Cam...
Removing Bloom...
Disabling Vignette...
Disabling Screen Blur...
Making ALT-TAB smoother...
Uncapping FPS...
Removing a Very Safe Amount of Sleep Calls...
Increasing Tree Fade Distance to 500000.
Increasing Shadow Render Distance to 255.
Removing Black Bars.
Disabling CO-OP pause...
Enabling better chat...
Replaced Tags controls with BetterTags
Dialog Init Start()
Calling CreateDFEngine.
Found 0 billboard files
i'm having problems starting a new game with the patch installed. I have x-input disabled and am running this on a fresh install, no other mods. I also unpacked the game's exe using steamless.

edit: this is my debug txt file contents
Checking if LAA needs to be patched.
Game is already LAA. Skipping...
Patched Kernel32.GetVersionExA.
--- Welcome to Saints Row 2 JUICED Version: 5.3.2 ---
RUNNING DIRECTORY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row 2\
LOG FILE CREATED: Sat 19 Oct 2024 - 05:23:17PM
--- Based on MonkeyPatch by scanti, additional fixes by Uzis, Tervel, jason098 and Clippy95. ---
Calling hooked GetVersionExA.
Hooking WinMain.
QueryPerformance multiplier is 1.000000
Patched Kernel32.QueryPerformanceFrequency.
Patched Kernel32.QueryPerformanceCounter.
Not using ExceptionHandler.
Calling Hooked WinMain.
Module name = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Saints Row 2\sr2_pc.exe
Memory allocated to process at startup = 4095MB, memory free = 3808MB.
Fixing Network Adapter Binding...
Patching openspy.
Expanding Memory Pools.
Expanded perm mesh cpu to 1376256
XInput Disabled.
Forcing the use of a fixed XACT version.
FOV Multiplier: 1.000000,
Changing Lobby List...
Lobby Map 1 Found: sr2_mp_lobby02
Lobby Map 2 Found: sr2_mp_lobby03
Fixing Frametime issues...
Adding Custom Key Toggles...
Patching VanillaFXPlus...
Re-writing Debug_Print...
Patching GameRenderLoop...
Enabling Borderless Windowed.
Attempting to initialize Discord RPC...
Discord RPC Initialization failed !!!!!!!!
Error code: 4
Patching GOG No FPS Limit.
Patching Better Drive-by Cam...
Patching Better Handbrake Cam...
Removing Bloom...
Disabling Vignette...
Disabling Screen Blur...
Making ALT-TAB smoother...
Uncapping FPS...
Removing a Very Safe Amount of Sleep Calls...
Increasing Tree Fade Distance to 500000.
Increasing Shadow Render Distance to 255.
Removing Black Bars.
Disabling CO-OP pause...
Enabling better chat...
Replaced Tags controls with BetterTags
Dialog Init Start()
Calling CreateDFEngine.
Found 0 billboard files
Do you have discord_game_sdk.dll in the directory? Juiced always load it
why does removing the bloom make it look like a fuckin hbo show? is that really what the HDR setting does without bloom?? that's crazy haha 1732307196934.png1732307213981.png
Hello, after playing with this, GOTR and SR1 lighting (played only with gotr and sr1 lighting before and everything was alright)
It broke my save and now I get this error when any cutscene would play (other saves work smoothly tho), any ideas why? Save doesn't work anywhere now, even in original GOG version, I didn't do anything extraordinary in it
Hello, after playing with this, GOTR and SR1 lighting (played only with gotr and sr1 lighting before and everything was alright)
It broke my save and now I get this error when any cutscene would play (other saves work smoothly tho), any ideas why? Save doesn't work anywhere now, even in original GOG version, I didn't do anything extraordinary in it
View attachment 42025
i just wish i knew how to use a debugger i'd be like the heavyweight champion of diagnosing issues
(you should insert these images as thumbnails btw)
I'm having a hard time getting the borderless windowed to work with this patch. I have the option turned on in the reloaded file, but alt tabbing still minimizes the game.
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