Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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That "On-Disk" dlc is the Pre-order bonuses from various retailers being released to everyone.
DLC is installe
Why not remove the broken Patch from Steam?..........
Leaving the broken patch, only make problems with some new people buying the game, or opened later steam...

Why leave the broken patch on steam?... is really strange...
this was asked and its because of people who purchased the DLC already.
I'm starting to wonder whether I was right to defend Volition when some GTA fanboy would say they treat their customers badly...

Everybody makes mistakes, but releasing a patch that breaks the game and after that releasing another one that only adds on-disk DLC (which I have nothing against, by the way) is kind of a huge kick in the balls for my confidence don't you think? Especially since the bugs that the first patch apparently fixed I've never experienced or even heard of. You'd think that fixing the vehicle customization interface that was obviously skipped during the beta alpha testing and the sound issue that Idol mentioned a few days ago would be at the top of the "to fix" list.

I have no doubt they'll fix it eventually, what I'm really curious about is whether our savegames will be spared or will we have to start a new game again... and travel 762000 more miles in the extremely slow alien ship... seriously who came up with that number?

On a more positive note, the new DLC actually looks... DLC-ish... Well who cares I'll buy it anyway.

You are a bit misinformed. The initial patch last night included both bugfixes and new dlc files (not on-disc) and that patch is what caused all the issues. There was also mistakenly leaked material included with it which is a huge problem. Because people had already bought the newly released DLC, Volition couldn't just pull it and revert back. This second patch today cleans up some of the problematic files, and they are still testing another third patch which will fix the weapons.
Hmm, yeah, every time I start up the game, I am getting a mesage saying:
"You are missing Downloadable Content that was previously available."
Needless to say, I'm not happy with this. :(
So did I.

I'm confused...

The pre-order DLC is the Merica' weapon and the Uncle Sam costume (Commander-In-Chief is it?). I'm talking about these:

You are a bit misinformed. The initial patch last night included both bugfixes and new dlc files (not on-disc) and that patch is what caused all the issues. There was also mistakenly leaked material included with it which is a huge problem. Because people had already bought the newly released DLC, Volition couldn't just pull it and revert back. This second patch today cleans up some of the problematic files, and they are still testing another third patch which will fix the weapons.

Oh could be, it's just that my problems started with the first patch and the new DLC became available after the second.
The Presidential pack was a bonus from Gamestop for picking up your pre-ordered game within 48 hours of release.
I'm not sure where the Grass Roots pack is from, but I'm sure it's something similar.
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