Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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That's my bad, I actually forwarded the message to the production team about five minutes after I got it. But, you know, since it was about 4:30am... too groggy to reply.
will the patch fix savefiles that have been saved with the bug in effect? if it does then at least we could just play now and do things not involving weapons and such.
I haven't run into any sort of bugs like this yet and hopefully it didn't mess my save up, but I'll lay off the missions till next patch

thanks for the headsup :)
Game development, and especially bug-fixing takes a process.
Things like this have to go through several steps before the end-user gets any inclination of them even existing.
These fixes were probably put into the pipeline before the game was released and they're just now getting pushed to the client.
I'm sure the fixes you're requesting are in the pipeline now and will be released soon.

True, but it doesn't change the fact that this patch introduced more problems than it actually fixed.
If the patching process (with QA and all) takes this long, you would expect the updates to be properly tested, so that this stuff doesn't happen.
It's not like this is some obscure bug that's only happening ot a couple of people, these are some major, obvious bugs that had to have happened to at least ONE tester.
That, and the fact that a game should be as stable as possible at launch, but i'm willing to forgive a few crashes here and there since it's an open world game (although i'm still grumpy that one crash screwed up my saves, but whatever)

I still give them the benefit of the doubt that the wrong update mistakenly got uploaded and, if this is the case, hopefully it'll be fixed within the next couple of hours.
True, but it doesn't change the fact that this patch introduced more problems than it actually fixed.
If the patching process (with QA and all) takes this long, you would expect the updates to be properly tested, so that this stuff doesn't happen.
It's not like this is some obscure bug that's only happening ot a couple of people, these are some major, obvious bugs that had to have happened to at least ONE tester.
That, and the fact that a game should be as stable as possible at launch, but i'm willing to forgive a few crashes here and there since it's an open world game (although i'm still grumpy that one crash screwed up my saves, but whatever)

I still give them the benefit of the doubt that the wrong update mistakenly got uploaded and, if this is the case, hopefully it'll be fixed within the next couple of hours.
As Idol said above, most likely the wrong patch got pushed to Steam.
This happens.
People, mistakes can happen. Let's not attack the people who create a great game for us and intend to improve it. Do you know how much work they put in? And you just nag because one patch got screwed up? How many mistakes do you make in your daily life? Volition knows they were wrong and they intend to fix it. As they have already said they will. So stop whining about it.
I forgive them anything they do, because Saints Row always is fun to play.

And Saints Row will survive, no matter how many bugs are in it now. You know Volition is going to do their best to improve it. ;)
People, mistakes can happen. Let's not attack the people who create a great game for us and intend to improve it. Do you know how much work they put in? And you just nag because one patch got screwed up? How many mistakes do you make in your daily life? Volition knows they were wrong and they intend to fix it. As they have already said they will. So stop whining about it.

I'm sorry, but I think the "whining" is totally justified If the product you spent 50€ on stops working properly...
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