Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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For a moment I was worried that I had saved while this was bug active but it turns out I only DL'd the patch earlier today while I was asleep.
Love how not only did the update break weapons for lots of people, but also they *still* haven't fixed the most glaring problems people have reported in the bug report subforum.
Love how not only did the update break weapons for lots of people, but also they *still* haven't fixed the most glaring problems people have reported in the bug report subforum.
How true.

Not to mention DLC getting priority over bug fixes, so much for THQ being the ones to blame for that...

All that confidence in Volition that has built up over the past few months is now slipping away faster and faster every day, such a shame!
How true.

Not to mention DLC getting priority over bug fixes, so much for THQ being the ones to blame for that...

All that confidence in Volition that has built up over the past few months is now slipping away faster and faster every day, such a shame!
This wasn't meant to be a FIX-Patch.
They just added some DLC's and fixed some of the bugs.
I think that Patch was being worked on for a longer time now, and they just released it.
This wasn't meant to be a FIX-Patch.
They just added some DLC's and fixed some of the bugs.
I think that Patch was being worked on for a longer time now, and they just released it.
Yeah, and look what happened.

Hence DLC getting priority over bug fixes.
Love how not only did the update break weapons for lots of people, but also they *still* haven't fixed the most glaring problems people have reported in the bug report subforum.
Game development, and especially bug-fixing takes a process.
Things like this have to go through several steps before the end-user gets any inclination of them even existing.
These fixes were probably put into the pipeline before the game was released and they're just now getting pushed to the client.
I'm sure the fixes you're requesting are in the pipeline now and will be released soon.
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