Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

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Did you hear if we would get any of the unlockable weapons that were lost back?

If I had any additional information to share, then I would have already done so.
Why did my Game crash with the title :"Saints Row IV: Inauguration Station".
I never had that before.
May or may not be related, but I was getting crashes a few days ago, the steam dialog box saying that another instance of the game was already running. After uninstalling Inauguration Station, I stopped having this problem.
May or may not be related, but I was getting crashes a few days ago, the steam dialog box saying that another instance of the game was already running. After uninstalling Inauguration Station, I stopped having this problem.
I stopped getting that after putting the game on the whitelist of my anti-virus scanner.
So Steam just downloaded an 8 meg update for SRIV.

I take it this wasn't the fix since everyone is still claiming things are broken.
Next to a few weapons gone missing, I'm all good. With the Friendly Fire unrestricted mod ( ) I could re-purchase the missing weapons and they show up fine in the inventory. Just costs a lot of ingame money. Already asked if Captain McFlurry can make the mod with free weapons, at least the ones who are missing so people can get them back easy for now.

I would still advice against overwriting your save with this, though. Just keep it on auto save for now and see if the game still works well after the fix has been released from Volition, and if it does, you are good to go.

Back up your save files to be completely sure they will stay safe. The files are in:

...\steam\userdata\[some number]\206420
I've heard some things, but have been asked not to give out any ETAs yet just in case.
thats fair enough, just wondering if its a matter of hours or days really. can yo
Hmm i think i might be lucky cause i've just got through playing a session and never noticed anything mentioned in this thread.
same here, just started a coop session new game. no problems so far. and we're past friendly fire. maybe its fixed for new games?
Odd. All the problems I was having because of the patch have just disappeared all of sudden. Though I'll probably still avoid saving my game just to be on the safe side.
I'm starting to wonder whether I was right to defend Volition when some GTA fanboy would say they treat their customers badly...

Everybody makes mistakes, but releasing a patch that breaks the game and after that releasing another one that only adds on-disk DLC (which I have nothing against, by the way) is kind of a huge kick in the balls for my confidence don't you think? Especially since the bugs that the first patch apparently fixed I've never experienced or even heard of. You'd think that fixing the vehicle customization interface that was obviously skipped during the beta alpha testing and the sound issue that Idol mentioned a few days ago would be at the top of the "to fix" list.

I have no doubt they'll fix it eventually, what I'm really curious about is whether our savegames will be spared or will we have to start a new game again... and travel 762000 more miles in the extremely slow alien ship... seriously who came up with that number?

Oh well. I guess every game developer needs a big screw up now and then. On a more positive note, the new DLC actually looks... DLC-ish... Looking forward to killing people while wearing an Obama mask.
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