Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch issues

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That's no bug, that's a message from the coding team. Clearly, the players are destined to (somehow) dual-wield dubstep guns. Each held like a boombox, one on each side.

Anyway, it's good to hear it's being worked on.
A boombox is not a toy! (lonely island in case you missed it ;)
Thanks for an official update on the situation :) I didn't know about dual dubstep guns either, I need to try that. Only in Saints Row can a bad patch have unintended awesome-ness as well :D
At this point it doesn't matter if it's intentional or not.

It is an assured fact that if it is possible without having to change the very exe... there will eventually be a mod to allow dual-wielding of the dubstep gun.
And it will be glorious. ("Now, in STEREO")

In the meantime, I can wait. A friend got ahold of SR3, and now they want to play co-op when they can.
I suppose I'll just have to suffer through it :D :D
Well I can't get the dual Dubstep guns, but I did find the Mech Suit's minigun, moving around with it equipped counts towards the Mech Suit Distance challenge:

because i preordered the game and payed extra for DLC, all of the bonuses of which are now gone, does that mean that me and other players in a similar situati0n get a refund or free DLC as compensation in case savegames and stuff are lost?
because i preordered the game and payed extra for DLC, all of the bonuses of which are now gone, does that mean that me and other players in a similar situati0n get a refund or free DLC as compensation in case savegames and stuff are lost?

Thou shall not have refund. But screw-ups like this usually end up in free coupons from Steam.
Ooo.. someone might have to extract these apparently messed up weapons tables, and see if it's easily feasible to start putting them back in as a mod. It sounds like a good successor to the weapons mods for SR3 and SR2.. adding the mech gun, dual-wielding dubsteps, new variants thrown in from wherever... It says something about SR4, though, even when the patch breaks stuff and people get pissed, it still manages to pull out some wonderfully awesome bugs.

Also, Pholinx, your DLC is screwy for the moment. Just wait for an actual patch with fixes. There's a high chance your stuff will come back.
because i preordered the game and payed extra for DLC, all of the bonuses of which are now gone, does that mean that me and other players in a similar situati0n get a refund or free DLC as compensation in case savegames and stuff are lost?

i have preordered the game at gamestop (the edition with dubstep gun, 'merica weapon and the statue), and i hope we have all the dlc back :(
Steam = no refunds unless it's a pre-ordered title that hasn't been activated yet.

This isn't anything new, its been going on since video games first came out. Any unopened game could only be exchanged for the same title, and back in the Atari and NES days that was good enough because if a game didn't work, a replacement usually did. But when it came to pc games, unless the disc was scratched it usually was just a buggy game. I remember some game in the 90's that was buggy, and Best buy said I had to get the same thing which I did, and then that copy was buggy so I went back and told them and they were going to make me get the same thing again but that's when I just went all agro and they caved and gave me a refund. But I really had to go all out to get them to do that. These days with Steam, they're all locked in an office somewhere and they don't have to deal with irate customers over the phone or in person,.

Its one of the reasons why I very rarely do online shopping, I prefer to deal with real people if there's an issue because they'll usually cave.
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