SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

Not getting the White House as a crib. Actually the whole president thing is barely even mentioned after the first hour or two, what the hell is that all about? I don't like being stuck on some cold, dark ship somewhere.

Also, I don't like how disconnected the whole story is from the actual world you play in. The narrative has nothing at all to do with Steelport despite the fact that the game takes place in Steelport. It feels you're playing two different games. One is some weird matrix/mass effect parody and the other is saints row 3 with super powers and aliens. And none of that has anything to do with being president. In fact none of it has anything to do with gang wars. I don't even know what Saints Row is about anymore.
not being able to undo power upgrades/turn powers off entirely.
i want to be able to toggle the tornado from superspeed for example. and sometimes turn em off entirely when i feel like driving around and stuff

There's a cheat to turn off superpowers completely.
Having replayed it, I'd like to add one more the list:
They screwed up the Star Wars reference in the Save Matt mission (The Wireframe zone).
It states 'initiate Order 66' though it should have been 'Execute Order 66'
It was an acceptable prompt command as it was....

Some of the harder activities.
Nevermind, I knocked the difficulty down to Casual and got Gold on most of the activities in just a few hours. I finished those and almost all of the Challenges today. I'm working on "Distance Traveled in Alien Vehicle" right now. After I do this, I'll have 100%ed the game.
In no particular order:
- No weapons during superjumps, I'd love to shoot Zins down when diving for a Flashpoint.
- Jumping Rifts or whatever it's called. The other Rifts I don't mind but this one is really boring, it's basically you against yourself and your ability with a keyboard, no real challenge.
- M.O.M. randomness, sometimes I can't find a car for dear life.
- Getting back to ship to end sidequests, can't I just call from within the Simulation and get the reward?
- Lack of customization in the real world: sure, you only spend like 5% of the game there, but all other Saints can have custom suits, why not the Boss (and Shaundi)? Two outfits, one for the ship, one for the Simulation, would be cool.
- Individual toggling on/off for Powers, so we can Blast/TK/whatever without Sprinting or Jumping to the other side of the map; SPFC would be a lot easier with Travel Powers disabled. They're supposed to be part of your simulated avatar, excluding some or all powers also makes sense.
- Stomp. It's very stiff when compared to the other Powers, which can be used seamlessly while wreacking havoc. Also, Stomp Mayhems are a pain, sprinting into stuff is not how it's supposed to be played.
- Some powers feel, well, underpowered, like DFA. Others you get too late to really enjoy them, like Buff.
- Ok, it's a spoiler but the topic already is, so... the free-fall during The Finale. Graze a wall/debris and it's game over. I find it very anti-climatic, why not losing HP like it was in SR3 when bailing out of Loren's plane?
In no particular order:
- No weapons during superjumps, I'd love to shoot Zins down when diving for a Flashpoint.
- Jumping Rifts or whatever it's called. The other Rifts I don't mind but this one is really boring, it's basically you against yourself and your ability with a keyboard, no real challenge.
- M.O.M. randomness, sometimes I can't find a car for dear life.
- Stomp. It's very stiff when compared to the other Powers, which can be used seamlessly while wreacking havoc. Also, Stomp Mayhems are a pain, sprinting into stuff is not how it's supposed to be played.
- Some powers feel, well, underpowered, like DFA. Others you get too late to really enjoy them, like Buff.

Platforming rifts on consoles (atleast on my PS3) on hard difficulty is very difficult to get gold, especially when you already beat the game, because you're more superpowered.

Yeah, that's one of my complaints too !

Yeah, that too.

I dunno why, but I don't really like buff, I rarely use it. Also, the Nuke DFA is pretty cool and powered, though sometimes the game crashes when you perform it!
- Speed rifts
- The Dubstep Gun sounds awesome on paper, useless in game, especially when the sniper rifle is in the same slot.
- Can't they move the simulation computer closer to the simulation?
- Speed rifts
- The Dubstep Gun sounds awesome on paper, useless in game, especially when the sniper rifle is in the same slot.
- Can't they move the simulation computer closer to the simulation?

Try upgrading the Dubstep Gun to have explosive wubs.