Minimaul's Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell tools

  • Thread starter Thread starter Minimaul
  • Start date Start date
The tools work with the re-elected version
The tool only detects to Steam version of the game, I checked, it only tries to find the game's Steam ID. The Epic Games version lacks that ID, so I was wondering if a version can be made for versions other than the Steam release, mostly the Epic Games release
The tool only detects to Steam version of the game, I checked, it only tries to find the game's Steam ID. The Epic Games version lacks that ID, so I was wondering if a version can be made for versions other than the Steam release, mostly the Epic Games release
It's weird because I own the Epic version too and I was able to extract files from it
Any news on the tool to use on the SR 4 Re-Elected?
I've been trying since yesterday to extract the strings, but there are times when it gives a syntax error and there are times when it gives an error when converting.
Hey can somebody help, I'm trying to extract a media.bnk_pc file from the voices pack with the extract-soundbank-s4.cmd by dragging and dropping but it gives me this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1

It extracts like 7 files out of 438 and then stops. I tried a different media.bnk_pc file and it did the same thing. Some insights please.

EDIT: Nevermind. I solved it by following this tutorial to the letter linked here

I've been trying to solve this shit for 2 DAYS. Now it's done. I can finally rest in peace.
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can some one explain why when I repack SR2 VPP files the file is much larger than the original? And how to fix this
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hey i need help
Detected the following games:
1. Saints Row IV: D:/Epic games/SaintsRowIV

Which game do you want to update? (enter the number) 1

Updating Saints Row IV files.
[41/46] Checking startup.vpp_pc...
[42/46] Checking superpowers.vpp_pc...
[43/46] Checking vehicles.vpp_pc...
[44/46] Checking vehicles_preload.vpp_pc...
[45/46] Checking voices.vpp_pc...
[46/46] Checking world_textures.vpp_pc...

Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.Exception: The input is not a packfile!
bei ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Packfiles.Packfile.FromStream(Stream stream, Boolean isStr2)
bei ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.Program.Main(String[] args)
what can i do im clueless and dont want to rebuild my gamefiles to vanilla